The Pillars of Lent: Almsgiving, Prayer and Fasting

The Pillars of Lent: Almsgiving, Prayer and Fasting

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Simple (And Creative!) Things To Do To Make The Best Of Lent!

Simple (And Creative!) Things To Do To Make The Best Of Lent!

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Simple (And Creative!) Things To Do To Make The Best Of Lent!   More Catholic Lent Resources QUIZ: What Should You Give Up For Lent? QUIZ: What Should You Do For Lent? Which Lent Resource Is Best For You? Possible Quiz Results Try These Weekly Lenten Resolutions This Year  

The Cross Is The Word Through Which God Has Responded To Evil In The World | Pope Francis

The Cross Is The Word Through Which God Has Responded To Evil In The World | Pope Francis

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Infographic: The 3 Pillars of Lent Almsgiving, Fasting and Prayer

3 Pillars of Lent Almsgiving, Fasting, And Prayer

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Lent Ash Wednesday Valentines Day Prayer, fasting almsgiving

It’s Very Simple: Lent Is All About Love

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In The Darkest Moment, God Intervenes And Resurrects | Pope Francis Quote

In The Darkest Moment, God Intervenes And Resurrects | Pope Francis

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What Do Catholics Do On Spy Wednesday?

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn “I spy with my little eye…a dandelion!” my tiny voice would say with excitement as my mom and I would play the “I Spy” game. This game was a joy-filled way to notice the wonderful gifts that God has given us. While this type of spying was always fun, “Spy […]

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3 Ways To Overcome Anger

Imagine your anger to be a kind of wild beast, because it has ferocious teeth and claws, and if you don’t tame it, it will devastate all things even corrupting the soul.— St. John Chrysostom More Catholic Resources On Anger...

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