A few hours ago, Lady Gaga published a moving response on her Instagram account to an article that we recently published. The article was entitled: “From Lady Gaga to Steph Curry: 5 Things To Remember When Celebrities Share Their Faith.” We published it because Lady Gaga shared a photo of a priest where she speaks very positively of him and mentions a homily where he spoke about the Eucharist. The post was written by the Catholic-Link editor, Becky Roach.
Lady Gaga responded saying:
We must confess that her response is one of the most beautiful responses that we have ever read from a celebrity. If what she said was authentic – and we believe it to be so! – then we must rejoice at the fact that she is having such a beautiful and powerful experience of God’s tender love and mercy.
As we responded on our Instagram account, we would like to say to Lady Gaga:
With this, we would like to repeat how we were moved in reading Lady Gaga’s message.
If anything, we are looking to do nothing else but share Christ’s invitation to all of us to open up our own hearts to his loving call. Remembering always, as Pope Francis puts it, that Jesus
“invites us to change our heart, to make a radical about-face on the path of our lives…”
For indeed God’s patience is infinite! How many times does He save us just as we are about to fall off the edge!
“He saves us because he has great patience with us. And this is his mercy. It’s never too late to convert, but it’s urgent. Now is the time! Let us begin today.”
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