God created you as a man. He created you as a son. He desires your heart, soul, and strength. Above all else, He calls you to embrace your identity as a child of the Father, as coheir with the Son and empowered by the Spirit. He calls you to be set apart from the...
Catholic Masculinity: How Men Can Grow in Holiness (Part 1)
God created you as a man. He created you as a son. He desires your heart, soul, and strength. Above all else, He calls you to embrace your identify as child of the Father, as coheir with the Son, and empowered by the Spirit. He calls you to be set apart from the...
Dear Father – I Confess, It’s Not You, It’s Me
Many Catholics are blessed to have a priest friend. Or, even if they’re not someone you consider your friend, you still may have that priest who you look up to. You know, the one you talk to every Sunday either before or after Mass. The one who has known you for years...
This Simple Method Of Praying With Your Spouse Will Improve Your Marriage!
Praying with my husband is something that has never been easy for me to do. Though I tell him everything and share all aspects of my life with him, I've always seemed to stumble when it comes to our prayer time together. Our first few years of marriage, I forced...
7 Things Catholic Parents Can Do This Summer
Summer is my favorite time of the year here in Ohio. I love everything about it, especially the warm weather and the long nights. Having my kids home from school can be incredibly exhausting, but it's absolutely the highlight of the summer months. So many...
Does God Make People Gay? A Priest Responds
Does God make people gay? Due to some comments allegedly made by Pope Francis, this question is on many people's minds. Is our sexual attraction determined even before birth by our Creator or is it something we choose as a result of life's circumstances? Many...
A Must-See Video For Husbands Whose Wives Find Mother’s Day Difficult
Though I'm blessed with five amazing children here with me on earth, I also have four beautiful children in heaven. The sting of our miscarriages is still present in my heart. So, I was hesitant to watch this video when I saw the title, but I'm so glad that I...
How Jesus Puts Us In Motion When We Find Ourselves Stuck I Catholic Bible Study
A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Mark (16:15-20) Jesus said to his disciples: “Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned. These signs will...
What Millennial Catholics Really Want To Say To Priests
Dear priests, Let’s just cut to the chase… You do A LOT for us. Probably more than you know. But, there is something that we aren’t sure if you know…and that is how THANKFUL we are for everything that you all do! So, as a token of our appreciation, we have a...
31 Of The Best Catholic Books On Marriage
If you're like most people, you have spent more time preparing for your career than you have for your marriage. We tend to dedicate years of education to get ready for our jobs, but when it comes to marriage most of us focus more on planning a wedding than investing...
Would You Be Able To Workout With These Nuns?
The Capuchin Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart in Poland have made it a habit to workout each morning in their habits in order to keep strong and able to serve orphaned children. You'll be inspired by the intensity with which these hardworking nuns hit the gym. We can...
What Is Happening To Science-Minded Millennials In Nebraska?
Good things are happening somewhere in Middle America: Vocations are booming in Lincoln, Nebraska (and Wichita, KS). It's not a secret in the American Catholic world, though it is somewhat perplexing that more bishops have not looked to imitate certain successful...
Sr. Jean Is The Latest Nun Trending On The Internet…And You’ll Never Guess Why!
Sister Jean Dolores Schmidt isn't in it for the fame, but it sure is coming her way. Not only has she won the hearts of many across the United States, but the basketball team that she has cheered on and prayed with for years has just won a game that will put them into...
The Seven Hearts Of A Priest
https://catholic-link.org/infographic-what-is-the-meaning-behind-the-priestly-vestments-a-practical-guide/ God calls those He wants to be priests. He chooses them from among His people in order to consecrate them, to make them His own. From that moment on, priests no...
Watch This Priest Ski While Playing The Bagpipes
Well, this isn't something you see every day, or ever. Fr. Nolan, a priest from the Diocese of Boise, Idaho, is hitting the slopes while playing the bagpipes to help raise the money needed to build a new church for a parish he was previously assigned to. You've got to...
Check Out What USA Today Had To Say About This Nun And Former Olympic Star
The Winter Olympics are upon us and there is no shortage of amazing stories from the 2018 Games already. But USA Today takes us down memory lane with their article on an Olympic speed-skater from 1998. And it is well worth the read because it is a warm and positive...
5 Myths About the Priest Shortage | Video From Breaking In The Habit
In this video posted to the YouTube channel Breaking In The Habit, Br. Casey Cole debunks five commonly held myths most people believe about the shortage of priests. 5 Myths About The Priest Shortage...
Dr. Martin Luther King’s Advice For Designing Your Life’s Blueprint
In this video, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr gives some exceptional advice on how to create a blueprint for your life. "The end of life is not to be happy, nor to achieve pleasure and avoid pain, but to do the will of God, come what may." - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. How...
3 Spiritual Exercises To Help Discern Your Vocation
3 Spiritual Exercises to Help Discern Your Vocation https://youtu.be/jf7xcQRY05g 3 Spiritual Exercises to help discern your vocation. 1. Think about Courage: "Here I am Lord" In Sunday's first reading, the prophet is ready and willing to surrender to the Holy Spirit....
Christmas Gift Ideas For The Priest Or Seminarian In Your Life!
We know we can always count on our priests to be present at Mass and all the liturgical celebrations around the holidays. We watch the deacon assist during sacraments and parish life. We proudly acknowledge the hard work and preparation seminarians undergo for the...
Millennial Priests: The Change That The Church Needed?
A little while ago, TIME magazine published an article about a phenomenon that’s becoming more and more common in the United States: the increasing number of millennial seminarians and priests. Millennials are the generation born between the 80s and mid-90s. They are...
“The Pilgrim” Promises To Be More Great Music From Luke Spehar
You might remember the name Luke Spehar from our extensive list that is a compilation of the best Catholic music we could find. Luke has a unique style that challenges the stereotypical view of Catholic music with his soulful and inspirational lyrics. Take a listen to...
4 Heroic Stories of Military Chaplains Who Went Beyond Their Call of Duty
During patriotic holidays, we are intentional in remembering the men and women who have fought for our freedom from the beginning. In a special way, military chaplains carry out their duties displaying exemplary courage and faith. They reflect the love of Jesus to...
4 Ways To Promote Priestly Vocations In Your Parish
Being a seminarian, I’m surrounded by other seminarians and I’ve heard a variety of vocation stories. What always amazes me is how the Lord calls each man differently to the priesthood. Some felt urged to explore this vocation through promptings from the Holy Spirit,...
Beholden To Other Men: Masculinity Series Part 4
Over the next five articles, we will embark on a brief exploration of the complex and often overlooked topic of being male. The articles will be reflective and open to discussion, so please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments section below. Be mindful...