The video shows Reverend David Rider, 29, of New York and Reverend John Gibson, 28, from Milwaukee, engaging in a bit of healthy competition and sharing their tapping talents during a fundraiser at the North American College (NAC), an American seminary in Rome, near...
Consecrated Life
National Geographic Reveals “The Secret Lives of Mexican Nuns”
“When I began this project, I thought of nuns as always dour and serious.” So says Marcela Taboada in her beautiful photo-story “the Secret Lives of Mexican Nuns”. She quickly proves this wrong with her photos of cake-slice waving sisters, a habited exercise biker and...
The Spiritual Journey Of St. Mother Teresa Illustrated!
The life of St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta was extraordinary: her generosity, her tireless struggle for justice, her love and care for the poorest of the poor, and the simplicity of her words and deeds. But what is most moving about her life was not only her capacity...
Top 10 St. Teresa of Calcutta Quotes of All Time
Many of us anticipated the day in which we could call our beloved Mother Teresa, Saint Teresa of Calcutta. She lived her life as a witness to this generation of Catholics and was canonized by Pope Francis on September 4th, 2016. Because of modern technology, we are...
Meet The Monk Who Says “I often thank God that He let me be blinded…”
Poor Oedipus. If you don’t know the classic story of the king who accidentally married his mother and blinds himself, I’d be surprised. Many deep ponderings can be taken out of this story about fate, truth, control, and free will, but what about that self-blinding?...
This Nun’s Culinary Skills Helped Her Win Big, But It’s Her Vocation Story That Will Win You Over
Sr. Alicia Torres is the nun that wowed fans and, more importantly, the judges of the Food Network hit television show "Chopped" with her culinary skills this past week. Her prize of 10,000 dollars will go to help the Mission of Our Lady of the Angels hunger...
11 Amazing Products Made By Monks
When I started to prepare this article and wondered about what life in a monastery might be like, words like privacy, silence and solitude came to mind. So I took it upon myself to do a little research, and discovered that the life and work of a monk is far more...
Vocations Video: How To Go “All-In” With God
Responding to a vocation takes guts. Whether it's a calling to marriage with that special someone, to the silence of the cloister as a religious brother or sister, or to serve in the priesthood, answering to God's call requires an "all-in" type attitude. Fr. Barron...
This Is One Of The Most Beautiful Videos On Vocations Ever Made
Saint Augustine, upon arriving at one of the most intense moments of his phenomenal work, The Confessions, once wrote these words to God: "Too late did I love You, O Fairness, so ancient, and yet so new!" Speaking from my own story, perhaps no other phrase summarizes...
37 Photos That Prove That Catholic Nuns Are Not Boring At All
With today's post, we hope to share a secret joy that few people ever come to know. It is the joy of a life totally dedicated to Christ. While any faithful Christian can experience this, I believe that those who the Lord calls to consecrate their lives in a special...
4 Things You Need to Know If You’re Discerning the Priesthood
Today's video is a recording of a presentation made by the young members of the priestly discernment program at the University of Steubenville (USA) for a talent show. They decided to do a parody of the song "I'll Make A Man Out Of You" from Mulan. Although intended...
The Altar Server: A School of Faith
Today's video provides both an excellent explanation of some of the ideas behind the altar server together with practical tips on how to serve with reverence and understanding. As a reflexion, I would like to propose the idea that the liturgy, and above all the...
Suffering Is The Way To Knowledge Of God.
Today I would like to share one of my favorite videos from the OBS page. It is a beautiful video with an important and timely message for our time: suffering is the path to knowledge of God. It's hard to imagine a more irritating phrase for today's culture. Can...
Will You Choose Comfortability Or Greatness?
The video that we are presenting is called "Defining a Prodigy." It is an excellent reflection about the existing richness of each individual person and the importance of discovering one's own vocation. We've asked some fellow Catholics to give you perspective on how...
What if you lived your whole life for a false “you”? – What if you worked your whole life and, on the day of your death, you saw for the first time that you weren’t doing what you were supposed to? That you worked for someone else, for a false idea of who you are? The video, narrated by Alan Watts...