A Guide To Virtual Natural Family Planning Instructors

by Family, Marriage, Sexuality and Chastity

Need some help learning or relearning Natural Family Planning (NFP), Fertility Awareness Method (FAM), the Marquette Method, Boston Cross Check™, or the Billings Ovulation Method®? Here is a list of providers that offer virtual courses so that you can learn these methods (and more!) from the comfort of your own home.

Virtual Natural Family Planning Courses

Pearl & Thistle

At Pearl & Thistle, we empower Catholics to share the Language of the Body with their children, friends, spouses, and parish communities. We believe that by creating a culture of lifelong learning, respect, and care for our bodies, we can all learn to “read” in our bodies the Truth of who God made us to be. 

Services: Boston Cross Check, Cycle Prep, Charting for Girls, Charting for Single Women, NFP Ambassador Training

Social Media: Instagram

Whole Mission

Whole Mission provides high-quality health education and support for families in all stages, with a concern for care of the whole person. Our current goals are to grow and promote access to, and research for, secure methods of natural family planning, specifically the Marquette Method, and to provide breastfeeding education and support for women and families.In addition to health education, Whole Mission provides a platform and technical support to healthcare professionals who provide these vital services.

Services: Marquette Method, Lactation Education, Men’s Group

Social Media: Instagram

Feminine Genius Ministries

We are a group of Nebraska registered nurses with a passion for women’s health. The American Academy of Pediatrics has stated the menstrual cycle should be considered a vital sign for young women. Just as a fever can indicate infection, an irregular menstrual cycle can indicate a health problem. There is a wealth of knowledge to be found in a woman’s cycle! With the development of methods such as the Marquette Model, biology meets technology and becomes a powerful tool for young women. The power of being a woman rests in understanding our innate potential. If we don’t understand our most basic biology, we are already selling ourselves short. Through fertility awareness education, women can learn about their physical health which can be a building block to then explore mental, emotional, and spiritual health. The world desperately needs the light of women who understand, love, and respect who they are– and that begins with basic body literacy. 

Services: NFP Classes, Charting Awareness Classes

Social Media: Instagram

Natural Family Planning International, Inc. (NFPI)

In the NFPI Home Study Course, you will:
• Read the NFPI manual, Natural Family Planning: The Complete Approach.
• Learn how to observe, record, and interpret the signs of female fertility.
• Apply that knowledge to achieve or avoid pregnancy.
• Learn about the natural spacing of births with ecological breastfeeding.
• Learn Catholic teaching about love, marriage, sexuality, and the family.

Services: NFP Home Study Course, Teacher Training

Vitae Fertility Education

Vitae Fertility Education teaches the Marquette Method of Natural Family Planning (NFP), a highly effective method of NFP that employs the Clearblue line of home-based fertility monitors to track women’s hormone changes throughout each menstrual cycle.

The Marquette Method is one of the most effective forms of NFP. It is 99% effective in avoiding pregnancy when used correctly and with the expert advice of a trained Marquette instructor. The method is objective and relatively easy to learn, and typically requires less abstinence than other forms of NFP.

Your body is amazing. Human fertility is beautiful, and even a little mysterious. At Vitae Fertility Education we are passionate about empowering women and couples by teaching them how to read and interpret their natural fertile rhythms, allowing them to work with their fertility instead of suppressing it.

Services: Marquette Method Classes

Social Media: Facebook

The Marquette Method of Natural Family Planning

A complete listing of online certified instructors from Marquette University College of Nursing’s Institute for Natural Family Planning.

Hope Lactation

Online Education Fertility Awareness Method (FAM)

Your menstrual cycle is a vital sign of your health.

Tracking your fertility can help you:

Identify ovulation and use information to avoid or achieve pregnancy

Avoid artificial hormones for birth control or cycle regulation

Uncover underlying health issues

Services: FAM instruction, Breastfeeding Instruction, Tummy Time

The FEMM App

Did you know that the science of hormones is relevant to your everyday health and happiness? That’s because hormones impact every system and organ of your body. Learn to understand and monitor hormonal activity naturally, by identifying and tracking your hormonal biomarkers.

Symptoms like acne, pain, anxiety, depression, cycle irregularity, migraines or PMS are often symptoms of hormonal imbalance. The FEMM App can help you make sense of these symptoms and how they’re linked to the complexity of your hormones.

Services: FEMM Classes, Charting in app

Social Media: Facebook

FAB Coach

Empowering  women with the knowledge they need to understand their fertility cycle- the physiological embodiment of their feminine genius,

Equipping  couples with CCL’s scientifically proven sympto-thermal method on their journey to responsible parenthood,

Encouraging  self-giving love throughout all the cycle transitions of married life.

We’re here to support you.  Become empowered, equipped, encouraged.

Services: Basic Fertility Coaching Sessions, Postpartum Coaching Sessions, Perimenopause Coaching Sessions


We offer all the training and tools you need to learn the Billings Ovulation Method®
including finding a teacher in your area, online learning and resources.

Services: Comprehensive list of online teachers, Teacher Training

Social Media: Facebook

Couple To Couple League

To inspire, educate and support couples in family planning that is natural, effective, healthy and consistent with God’s plan for life, love and marriage.

Services: List of online and local NFP instructors, Instructor Training, Postpartum, Perimenaupause, Clergy education

Social Media: Instagram

Fiat NFP

FiatNFP aims to provide quality and professional instruction on the Marquette Method of Natural Family Planning.  This is accomplished by offering online learning platforms for distance clientele and in-person instruction for those located in the southeast Kansas area.

Services: Marquette Method Instruction

Social Media: Facebook

Reply: Sensiplan

Reply welcomes patients using any fertility awareness method, and our fertility educators teach four methods in-house: Listen FertilitySensiplanBillings, and Marquette. Fertility awareness can be used for health monitoring and management, or to help become pregnant or prevent pregnancy.

Services: Listen Fertility, Sensiplan, Billings, Marquette

Social Media: Facebook

Siena Fertility & Wellness

I encourage women to ovulate!  I teach women and couples the ovulation cycle to know times of fertility and infertility to avoid or achieve pregnancy and to monitor their health. My mission is for you to know just how wonderfully made you are. Whether your goal is to avoid or achieve pregnancy or map your cycle, I can help you identify a healthy path for you. 

I love doing this work because I believe it is every woman’s birthright to know her body, understand what it is telling her and it is a couple’s right to make informed decisions about their combined fertility. 

Servies: Natural Family Planning, Fertility Awareness, Fertility Nutrition

Social Media: Instagram

Fertility Science Institute

The Fertility Science Institute (“FSI”) site is an educational initiative to provide the best available information for anyone interested in, or currently using, a natural, fertility awareness based method, regardless of their stage in life.

The fertility awareness landscape has undergone profound changes in more recent years, with an explosion of apps and devices that have attracted large numbers away from contraceptives and toward a natural approach. Yet this profound change, while welcome, has also brought a lot of confusion for people as they seek reliable information about the various natural methods.

Services: Mother Daughter, Young Adults, Couples, Perimenopause, Postpartum

More Natural Family Planning Resources

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

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