Today, we present three innovative ministries that are making Catholic prayer life a little easier.

Feast Days

Celebrate the Feasts – Do you have trouble remembering Holy Days and Feast Days?  Perhaps you remember them, but you have no idea what they signify or how to celebrate them.  If either of these describes you, this is the tool you have been waiting for!  Katie Warner of Catholic Katie has introduced a brand new site that sends out reminders via email to keep you up-to-date on all the important days in our Church calendar.  I can’t think of an easier way to keep track of this! Sounds perfect for busy Catholic families desiring to incorporate more Church celebrations into their routine.  Be sure to sign up for these emails.



 Pray More Novenas –  Novenas are a series of prayers said for nine straight days.  There are novenas for just about everything. In an effort to promote this spiritual practice, Pray More Novenas allows you to join in praying a Novena with an online community.  They offer over thirty Novenas that they have prayed together.  Pray More Novenas will send you daily email reminders complete with the necessary prayers for each of the nine days. This is a great tool for people who start off strong, but then tend to forget the last few days of a novena.  A very simple way to incorporate more prayer into your daily life and grow in holiness! If you’ve never taken part in this prayer tradition of our faith, now is good time to start.  Check them out at

Daily Bible Reading and Prayer

3. Laudate App –  Laudate is a free App available on iTunes and Google Play.  This is the most used app on my phone.  Laudate offers EVERYTHING – daily readings, reflections, prayers, examination of conscience, the liturgy of the hours, etc.  The wonderful thing about this app is that you can use it anywhere.  If you’re standing in line or in a stand-still traffic jam, you can quickly find a prayer or read scripture.

Instead of complaining about how technology is ruining our culture, we need to start using it to further God’s kingdom.  We applaud these three ministries that have creatively found a way to lead people in prayer and increase devotion to the traditions of the Church through technology.  Be sure to share these resources with your friends and family.

3 Tips To Unceasing Pray From Fr. Mike


A culture of encounter demands that we be ready not only to give, but also to receive. Media can help us greatly in this, especially nowadays, when the networks of human communication have made unprecedented advances. The Internet, in particular, offers immense possibilities for encounter and solidarity.  This is something truly good. A gift from God.Pope Francis

What is an Outstanding Initiative?

“Outstanding Initiatives seeks to feature a collection of Catholic initiatives all over the globe that promote the values and teachings of the Catholic faith through videos, blogs, etc. We have been featuring quite a few extraordinary videos to support the message that we seek to convey with our apostolate through our regular posts, so we figure why not also feature people and organizations who, in their own way, contribute to the mission of the Church. Our hope is that this will then create a ripple effect and reach that one faithful reader in some corner of the world with the message that the Church is alive and that he or she has an important role to play.”

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