“The Pilgrim” Promises To Be More Great Music From Luke Spehar

by Catholic Media, Outstanding Initiatives, Vocation

You might remember the name Luke Spehar from our extensive list that is a compilation of the best Catholic music we could find. Luke has a unique style that challenges the stereotypical view of Catholic music with his soulful and inspirational lyrics.

Take a listen to a few of his great songs.

America and Me

Be Still

To Saint Michael

Luke’s Background

Luke Spehar grew up in a small, rural community north of St. Paul, Minnesota, and found himself inspired by the simple, natural beauty of the outdoors. Drawing from these and other common human experiences like love, suffering, failures, and triumphs, Luke began writing songs at the age of 16 and composed all of the music on his debut album, Be still, before he graduated high school. He continued to write music throughout his college years, a time he devoted to discerning a potential call to the Catholic priesthood.  However, in  January 2015, Luke was called to the vocation of marriage. He and his wife, Elizabeth Yetzer, are currently expecting their second baby, but that hasn’t slowed Luke’s music career down. In fact, he has exciting news to share with his fans.

What’s Next?

Luke is currently finishing his fourth project, an album titled The Pilgrim.  Visit the website to learn more about what has led him to this project. We’re excited to hear the stories and songs from Luke’s newest release.

Join us in praying for Luke and the other Catholic artists who seek to share creatively the Gospel message through music and song. These artists need our prayers and support as they continue in their mission to inspire many to live the faith to the fullest.

Keep Searching, Keep Learning

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