“The Kids Are Alright” – Could There Really Be A Catholic Show On Network TV?

by Family, Funny, Movie Reviews and Recommendations

“The Kids Are Alright” is a new sitcom on ABC that is somewhat inspired by the childhood of writer and producer Tim Doyle. The show takes place in the 1970s and tells the story of the Clearys, an Irish-Catholic family with eight boys. Check out the official trailer below.

The Kids Are Alright – Official Trailer

My husband and I have enjoyed watching the first season. The show is funny, entertaining, and very relatable. If you have a big family, you’re sure to find the truth of family life presented in this sitcom hilarious. I  was skeptical at first, but this show has done a good job (so far!) of representing the Catholic faith. Of course, there are the typical jokes about Catholic guilt and Natural Family Planning, but there really hasn’t been anything too disrespectful or blasphemous. This show can definitely be used as a conversation starter about the Catholic faith, what we believe, and why we believe it.

How can you take advantage of the opportunity that “The Kids Are Alright” presents for evangelization?

The show does bring up a lot of Catholic teaching in a roundabout way. It’s not always handled the best by the family, but it’s obvious that at their core these parents are striving to bring their children up in the faith. It’s a great show to watch with older or young adult children who have strayed from the Catholic Church. Take time after each episode to discuss and ask engaging questions as a family. (This show is not recommended for children or tweens because of occasional adult themes.)

Conversation Starters

Use these questions to get a conversation started about the themes the show presents each week.

  • How would you have responded to…..?
  • What did you think about…?
  • Was that an accurate depiction of what Catholics believe or how Catholics behave…? Why or why not?

*Disclaimer – I don’t know what the future episodes of “The Kids Are Alright” will be like. Use your discretion as the series unfolds!* 

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