Recommended Movie: The Good Lie (2014)

by Meaning of Suffering

The Good Lie is an eye opening, inspiring and heartwarming film based on the true stories of some of  “The Lost Boys” of Sudan.   From the years 1983 to 2005 over 20,000 boys were orphaned during the Second Sudanese Civil War.  This film does an excellent job of bringing the struggles of this society to light.  Within a few minutes of the movie you will find yourself emotionally connected to the plight of these young refugees.  The strength, endurance and stamina that these children possessed to make it through horrific events and their desire to live will  inspire you to face your own struggles in a new way.

Most of the film takes place after the boys and their sister have grown.  As young adults they have been given the opportunity to leave the refugee camp that they have grown up in and begin a new life in America.   Upon arrival to the United States, the tight knit group that has become a makeshift family learns that the boys will be located in Kansas City and their sister will make her home in Boston.  This is just the beginning of the struggles that they face as they try to adapt to a completely different way of life.

Carrie Davis, played by Reese Witherspoon, has the daunting task to find employment for these young men.  How can you find a job for someone who doesn’t know how to use a telephone or a light switch?  It quickly becomes apparent that the men need more help than just finding a job.  Carrie is very reluctant to providing for them beyond what her job entails, but they eventually win her over and serve to change her life as well.

This film is as entertaining as it is insightful and will surely lead to deeper conversation in your family or apostolate.  Through laughter and tears, it presents a topic that all Christians should be aware of.  In 2015 the United States welcomed  69,933 refugees and in 2013 granted asylum status to 25,199 people . The Good Lie  is more than a movie.  It is a real life, real world issue that requires our attention.   These people fleeing from war torn countries and hostile situations are in need of our assistance as the try to establish a new life for themselves in our country.

Questions for Discussion: 

1.) What characteristic  do you admire most about “The Lost Boys”?  How can their struggle help us to be grateful for all that we have in our own lives?

2.) Were you previously aware of the situation in Sudan? How can this film encourage us to learn more and show concern about global injustices?

3.) What does the Catholic Church teach about refugees and immigrants? How has this film helped you understand their plight?

4.) Are there refugees in or near your city?  To find out and learn about ways you can help visit: USCCB Migration and Refugee Services or contact your local Catholic Charities. What are some ways you can help these men and women adjust to life in the United States?

5.) How did going out of her way to help others enable Carrie to have a new understanding and perspective on life?  In what ways is God calling you to step out of your comfort zone?


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