When you’re a youth minister you are often short on time, juggling several jobs, trying to keep up with the youth and wondering how you got so old and uncool without even realising. You’re walking that constant tightrope of trying to imaginatively, creatively and...
World Youth Day Quiz: How Much Do You Know?
Millions of young Catholics are gathering from around the world to celebrate our faith this week. Undoubtedly, many will experience conversions, form much-needed spiritual friendships, and feel God's love in a whole new way. There will be an abundance of joy,...
7 Ways To Be Part Of World Youth Day
If you're like me, you might be struggling just a tiny bit with envy as you watch Catholic social media explode over World Youth Day this week. Unfortunately, I couldn't make it to the international event that gathers millions of young Catholics from all parts of the...
Pope Francis Tells Youth “Never let go of Jesus’ hand.”
Go big or go home? We all dream of going big. As Christian youth, we dream of someday becoming saints and staying close to God for the rest of our eternity. It sounds great, but do you think about how many times we get sidetracked and fall because of our sins? Let’s...
The 6 Battles Of Youth That Adults Must Not Forget
Life passes quickly. One moment you are twelve years old playing in the street, and today you are an adult, 40 years old. What happened to your youthful aspirations, your dreams and your ideals? Though you remember them, do you maintain them? Have you gone through...
Dear Catholic Teen Guys, What We Really Want In A Relationship From A Catholic Teen Girl
Dear Every Catholic Teen Guy, Hello darling, I have noticed you noticing me. The awkward passings in the hall have got to stop. I wanted to capture my thoughts in this letter because the flow of words on paper is...
9 Reasons Why “The Bible Is A Highly Dangerous Book!”
Pope Francis recently wrote the preface to the new Youth Bible. What he says is amazing, and we encourage you to read it in full. His words are challenging, insightful and encouraging. He speaks from his own experience of reading the Bible and exhorts us to remember...
10 Survival Tips For Catholic Young Adults
There are times, as a young Catholic, when we can feel a little alone. We might even be the only young Catholic we know, which is difficult, not to mention lonely. But don’t despair! Despite how you may feel, there are millions of young adult Catholics...
How To Talk About God In World That Doesn’t Want To Listen
The LOL Generation. Life is a playground, carefree, free of authority, free of rules, free to be "me". Don't speak to me about what was in the past, about my parents, or even about my country. I live in the now. In the now, I am king of my own life. A brief...
The Surprising Benefits of Using NFP
It has been extremely difficult to find videos which cover contraception and family planning from a Catholic perspective. However, it seems that we at Catholic-Link are not the only people to have noticed the lack of resources in this area, and this short video was...
“We All Want to Be Young” – Why Are the Youth Important?
The video is the result of a study done by BOX1824, a Brazilian research company specializing in behavioral sciences and consumer trends. It spells out the basics on the last two generations, Baby Boomers and Generation X,...