I had fifty eyes glaring back at me with exhaustion and boredom. It was my first foray into a Catholic middle school classroom as a guest teacher for religion. I was twenty-one years old, relatively “hip” by preadolescent standards, and one week on the job as a new...
youth minister
What To Buy A Catholic Youth Minister For Christmas
Youth Ministers spend their time pouring into our teenagers. They make many sacrifices and spend long hours to give today's youth the greatest gift of all - an encounter with Our Lord, Jesus Christ. It's only fitting that we bless them for all their work and thank...
Talking To Your Middle Schooler About The Faith
I got to visit with a friend and my godson this past week. Since I last saw him two months ago, I noticed some typical changes for a seven-month-old: emotive facial expressions including smiles and grumpy faces; babble vocab of high pitched shrieks and blowing...