What comes to mind when you think about raising a teenager in today's world? Technology overload? Social media addiction? The constant struggle against anxiety and being overwhelmed? It's easy to focus on the challenges, isn't it? But what if we shifted our...
young adult
10 Things Your Catholic Young Adult Child Needs To Know Before Leaving Home
Our baby is graduating from college this year. Gulp. I’m not sure how we got here so quickly, but like it or not, it’s happening. Actually, I love it. Watching our kids become who they were meant to be has been the greatest honor. They don’t have it all figured out,...
New Catholic Podcast Helping Young Adults On The Path To Holiness
Are you searching for reading reflections that will take you deeper into your spiritual life and want to learn more about the Catholic faith? Welcome to the Stephen F. Austin Catholic Campus Ministry podcast! The SFA Podcast leads you to stretch your knowledge and see...
6 Things That Make This Young Adult Ministry One of The Best In The World
Studies show that the first five years of our lives are the most critical for our human development. Not surprisingly, this is a crucial time for undergoing brain development, language skills, and physical growth. But studies also show that this is not the only stage...
How in the world do you help someone get to the point where they can confidently say they know Jesus? Like truly, authentically know Him? All year, I’ve asked the students I walk with in discipleship whether or not they know Jesus. Like truly, on an intimate level....
Young Adults Needed For Help With Catholic Media Survey!
Young Adults Needed To Take Survey --> http://tiny.cc/74t5tz My name is Madeleine Hamm, originally from Northern Virginia, I am now finishing my studies in International Communications and Media at the Hogeschool Utrecht in the Netherlands. For my graduate thesis,...
6 Reasons Your Parish Should Open Its Convent Buildings To Young Adults
Across America many Catholic convent buildings, which once housed a blessed surplus of religious sisters, are now standing underutilized and sometimes completely empty. The disuse of these buildings is expensive on our already cash-strapped parishes. On the other...
Carlo Acutis: The Newest Patron Saint Of The Internet?
Carlo Acutis, who passed away in 2006, was beatified October 10, 2020 in Assisi. Blessed Carlo Acutis is proving to the world that you don’t need to be rich, famous, crazy smart or the coolest kid in school to make an impact. He once said, “To be always close to...
17,000 Reasons To Be Hopeful About The Catholic Church
Picture thousands of college students from all over America and across the globe together in the tropical city of Indianapolis, Indiana for a weeklong conference where they will be praying, listening to talks, and learning about what it means to be a disciple of Jesus...
How I Went From Typical College Party Girl To Catholic Missionary
By the fall semester of my junior year at Northwest Missouri State University, I was completely consumed with the typical college culture. I partied every chance I got and sought to make my mark on campus. But because of my conscience and the Lord’s grace, I was still...
Five Tips For Getting Involved In Your College’s Catholic Ministry
I remember when I first got involved with the Catholic Campus Ministry at William Paterson University. I was nervous. New people. A new atmosphere. A new priest. Sure, the faith was the same, but the way of doing things was different. I was involved in trying to form...
Are We Falling In Love With A List Of Qualities Rather Than A Person?
I was 18 years old when I wrote my first ‘list.’ The ‘list’ was introduced to me by a friend of mine who wanted to know what kind of men I would like to date. She explained to me that ‘the list’ is a carefully thought out list of qualities that single people would...
Is Waiting For “The One” Really Worth It?
Today’s society makes us doubt that finding a well-rounded, virtuous, faithful, Christ-like spouse is possible. As the popularity of one-night-stands increases, both women and men are left wondering if anyone exists who will see them and treat them as a child of the...
Pope Francis, 300 Young People, And The World’s Biggest Deep Meaningful Conversation
One Young Adult Reports Back from the Vatican Pre-Synod of Young People: I’ve always loved deep meaningful conversations (aka DMCs). Whether spontaneously at house parties with strangers or in a pub with a good friend, I always treasure the conversations that go...
What Is Happening To Science-Minded Millennials In Nebraska?
Good things are happening somewhere in Middle America: Vocations are booming in Lincoln, Nebraska (and Wichita, KS). It's not a secret in the American Catholic world, though it is somewhat perplexing that more bishops have not looked to imitate certain successful...
39 Things 18-39 Year-Olds Should Consider Giving Up For Lent
Pete Burak, director of i.d.916 gives a quick rundown of some creative ideas for young adults to think about giving up this Lent. The suggestions to give up eye-rolling, extra guac, and not finishing a book spoke directly to my heart! Which ideas will inspire...
What Thousands of College Students Taught Me About Prayer
I’ve been a Catholic for almost thirty years, and I find that one of the most moving experiences I have to this day is sitting in an adoration chapel with college students. I had the opportunity to attend the SLS18 Conference put on by FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic...
Want To Marry A Man Who Loves God? Do This 1 Thing Now!
The Culture Project has been producing some amazing videos that answer the questions so many of us have about relationships, chastity, and learning to accept yourself. The video featured today contains practical advice for those who are waiting on a man who loves...
Most Women Believe Lies About Beauty And Identity
4PM Media (The Wild Goose, The Vigil Project) has partnered with Project Light to produce a powerful film that addresses many of the struggles that women in our society today must confront. The world has set such unrealistic standards of beauty, success, and...
Help! My College Kid Doesn’t Belive In God Anymore! | 8 Pieces Of Advice For Catholic Parents
It’s not an unusual situation (though I wish it were) that many young people today (mostly when they go to college), motivated by different reasons, abandon their Catholic faith. The causes range from the influence of friends and fashions, to intense rationalism in...
Five Seconds of Awkward That Could Save Lives (and Souls!)
You might remember her from Dancing with the Stars or follow her on YouTube. In this video, Sadie Robertson, a Duck Dynasty family member, explains why "five seconds of awkward" saves lives. But, five seconds of awkward is worth it! Her five simple circumstances where...
I Am Not That Girl: A Letter Of Advice To My 16-Year-Old-Self
There is a lot of well-founded emotion in this Buzzfeed spoken-word video “I Am Not That Girl”. There is honesty, and not a trace of self-pity as the narrator says: “having a lack of male attention in this world is seen as an abnormality, is seen as less than womanly....
4 Things Pope Francis Wants All Young People To Remember
Pope Francis began a letter to address young people by stating, “I want you to be the center of attention because you are in my heart." This letter serves as an invitation to all young people to place their trust in Jesus who will guide them to fulfillment through...
A Teacher Shares 11 Tips College Students Need To Know
The university system today has, in many respects, lost its head. Consequently, the goal of this post is to explain to soon-to-be college students just how to avoid losing their own. Since the dawn of the university in the High Middle Ages there have been students who...