I was speaking with a friend of mine the other day and he asked me where my fourteen-year-old son was at with his discernment of the priesthood. He wanted to know what I was doing to encourage him to be open to this vocation. My initial response was….to cringe. ...
vocation stories
The Documentary FREE Shows Us What We Can Learn From Monks And Nuns
Very few films have captured the cloistered life. Typically, those who are vowed behind enclosure do not wish to have their life broadcasted to the world. Perhaps the last popular film was Into Great Silence, and if memory serves, it took months, if not several...
3 Simple Ways To Help Children Learn About And Foster Vocations
God is calling your child to be a saint. But how? Which vocation will He lead them to? Teaching your children to listen to God’s call in their lives and uncover how He wants them to love and to serve Him in this world is a great gift. There are a few simple things we...
5 Excuses That People Often Make When Discerning A Religious Vocation
The moment when we start to ask and pray, "What is God calling me to do?" in regard to a religious vocation can be intimidating. However, discovering the vocation that God has intended for each of us is something marvelous. It's truly wonderful... but that doesn't...
Better Than Happy: The Joy Of Your True Calling
I was a postulant with the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity when I learned that there is a difference between being happy and being joyful. Up until then, I had thought the terms were interchangeable. Someone could be happy being able to see their friends. A...
A Vocation Story: On The Path of Love
“And Mary said, Behold, the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word.” (Luke 1:38) Growing up I had never been around religious sisters as my entire education was in the public schools, and it was not until I was an undergraduate in college that one...
This Nun’s Culinary Skills Helped Her Win Big, But It’s Her Vocation Story That Will Win You Over
Sr. Alicia Torres is the nun that wowed fans and, more importantly, the judges of the Food Network hit television show "Chopped" with her culinary skills this past week. Her prize of 10,000 dollars will go to help the Mission of Our Lady of the Angels hunger...