What is the secret to a happy marriage? The secret of how to have a happy marriage is realizing that happiness is not the purpose of marriage. If your goal in marriage is your own personal happiness, you're going about it all wrong. The first thing to do is to spend...
Vocation of Marriage
Why (And How) To Bring Your Kids To Adoration
I can almost feel the disapproving glares of the parishioners behind me burning holes in the back of my head, but I don’t dare turn and look. I am sitting on the floor at the front of the adoration chapel with my three energetic children, making a desperate attempt at...
15 Tips For Every Catholic Man Seeking To Win A Woman’s Heart
For many young men, approaching a lady is not an easy task. There’s the fear of rejection, of looking foolish, of not knowing exactly what to say, fear of what others will say, and so on. In addition there are all the fantasies that Hollywood, television, and social...
“Dating Detox: The 4 Toxic Beliefs Keeping You From Real Love”
"To one extent or another we've all been poisoned by the culture's false idea of love, dating and sexuality. No one is unscathed, and we could all use a good detox." ~ Jason and Crystalina Evert in the Foreword of Kevin and Lisa Cotter's new book, Dating Detox. ...
Actor David Henrie Married to Catholic, Pro-Life, Chastity Speaker Maria Cahill
Update - David Henrie married Maria Cahill on April 21st, 2017! Enjoy reading the story of their engagement! We don't do much celebrity gossip reporting here at Catholic-Link, but here's one love story worth covering. David Henrie has been a familiar face to many...
A Journey From Wild Youth To Anchored Catholic Manhood
The following is a companion piece to Part 3 of our Masculinity Series, "Becoming More Manly." The glory of God is man fully alive. - St Iranaeus Jason Momoa’s short film Canvas of my Life is an extraordinarily powerful and beautiful depiction of manhood, despite its...
No, NFP Is NOT “Catholic Birth Control”
If the pope had his own grocery store, the aisle labelled “family planning” wouldn't contain pills or condoms or other contraceptives like most do. It would contain thermometers and charts. Likewise, if the pope was a doctor, he wouldn’t prescribe contraceptives to...
10 Essential Things You Need To Talk About Before Getting Married
When I read that Pope Francis said “most marriages today are invalid” I almost fell over backward. I’ve had the same hypothesis for so long! Working in family counseling, when we interview marriages in crisis and we evaluate how and why they got married, we discover...
Divorced and Remarried? 5 Tips For Living out Your Catholic Faith
With today's post, we would like to offer some tools to help those who would find themselves in a difficult situation, yet desire to draw closer to the Church and renew their relationship with God. Each one of us is called to search and respond to God in our personal...
What’s the Big Deal With Remarried Couples Receiving Communion?
You might have heard or read quite a bit about the issue of remarried couples and the Eucharist. Still, amongst the hype, there hasn’t always been a lot of clarity about what’s at the heart of it all. Why can’t remarried couples receive communion? Is it some kind of...
Holy Father, I Want to Get a Divorce| The Pope Francis Minute
In the midst of trials and arguments, it is often too quickly forgotten that marriage is a covenant bond between spouses which is sealed by God. When two people grow apart in a marriage, the easy solution might appear to be to get a divorce. However, the...
16 Things The Church Should Be Helping Single Mothers Understand
Being a single mother is one of the most difficult challenges that a woman can ever face. And I know, I am part of the club. It might be because you made the choice – perhaps the man by your side wouldn't be a good example for your children, or because of divorce,...
8 Times “Bad Moms” Actually Taught Us About Being Good Moms
I recently went to see Bad Moms and, yes, I should probably make plans to go to Confession at some point this week after watching it. The Catholic News Service rated the movie as an "O - morally offensive" and that rating is definitely accurate. The film is morally...
“A Love So Strong” It Can Forgive the Unthinkable
The Lord’s Prayer, is a prayer many of us have prayed countless times to the point that the words have just become a rhythm. There is that one tiny, seemingly innocuous line that calls us to “forgive those who trespass against us”. It is often too uncomfortable to...
Looking for a Way to Explain Natural Family Planning? 5 (Short) Videos to Help!
July 25th is the anniversary of Humanae Vitae, the papal encyclical which explains the Catholic Church’s teaching on marriage, sex, and responsible parenthood. It is estimated that 87% of Catholic women use a method of contraception instead of practicing Natural...
Kirk Cameron’s Controversial “Archaic” Marriage Advice
Both the media and Twitter users have decided to tear Kirk Cameron apart for his views about marriage that he recently shared in an interview with The Christian Post. Cameron is best known for his role in the 80’s sitcom Growing Pains but has more recently starred in...
5 Websites Every Catholic Dad Should Visit
A few months ago, we put together a list of 5 great Catholic websites for Moms (in addition to Catholic Link, of course!). This list was such a hit with Moms that people requested a list of Catholic websites for Dads. With the help and suggestions of a few...
10 Ways To Develop And Strengthen A Long Distance Relationship
Long distance relationships don’t just occur after a fleeting summertime romance. Work and school are the primary reasons why two people who love each other have to spend time apart while trying to keep the flame of love lit. I don’t know about you, but more than once...
8 Ways To Have Dinner Together As A Family…And Why You Should!
If you could bring anyone for dinner, dead or alive, who would it be? This isn’t a quiz, so there is no ultimate correct answer. You don’t need to say Jesus just because you are in a youth group, or a famous historical figure just because you want to sound smart. You...
17 Things Men Would Like Women To Know
Recently I received a recommendation from a reader who said he appreciated my post about chivalry, but frankly was kind of sick of hearing about how only men (or so it seemed to him) are instructed how to understand and serve women, while it seems there is very little...
5 Truths About Marriage That Are Hard To Understand When You’re Single
I recently read Catholic-Link's ‘A Single Twenty-Something Shares Her Most Intimate Concerns About Dating, Relationships, and Chastity’ article and my heart went out to the writer and her situation. I loved her willingness to make herself vulnerable to us...
Why You Should You Get Married In The Catholic Church?
With so many options nowadays, the humble church building can be the last place that is considered for a wedding. We asked 7 couples why they chose to get married in a Catholic Church. These answers, ranging from the comprehensive to the short-and-sweet, are honest,...
8 Things You Should Be Doing If You Want To Find “The One”
The time spent waiting to meet “the one” can be difficult, lonely, and slow moving. Yet, it doesn’t have to be. You have a choice. You can choose to sit around and wait for love to come to you or you can actively seek it. You can complain that...
9 Quotes On Chastity To Help You When You Feel Tempted
One of the most difficult aspects of the Christian life is to master the virtue of chastity. It seems that everywhere we turn the world is pulling us away from the ideals God calls us to. Some people naively think that the struggle to remain chaste will go...
5 Catholic Websites Every Mom Must Visit (Updated!)
"We used to talk on the phone ALL the time." This is my favorite quote from the WhatsUpMoms "Friends Without Kids" video. I stopped talking on the phone once unlimited texting was made available. Actual talking on the phone means that others can hear...