In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast. Fr. Rob and Fr. George discuss Mary's proper role in the Catholic Faith and our faith lives. It seems like the median between two extremes comes up again here. In order for us to come to Christ through Mary's intercession,...
Virgin Mary
2025 Catholic Monthly Devotions And An Inspirational Catholic Quote For Each Month
It is a tradition of the Catholic Church to observe a specific devotion during each month of the year. Here is the list of those devotions and a saint quote that will inspire you! 2025 Catholic Monthly Devotions January - The Holy Name of Jesus "The sweet name of...
Litany Of The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother Of Life
The demands on the lives of couples who practice natural family planning can seem very overwhelming at times. Every Catholic couple who is serious enough about their love for our Lord to follow the Church’s teaching on contraception understands this...
Discovering Mary In The Triduum, Easter, And Beyond
Back in January, I realized that I didn’t know my Mother. No, not my biological mother, my spiritual Mother…our spiritual Mother. The one who not only brought Jesus into the world in a stable, but the one who watched Him suffer, die, and who today can lead us closer...
Are You Willing To Be Wounded? The Paradox Of Mary’s Immaculate Love
“Salve, radix, salve, porta...” - 12th Century Marian Antiphon There are many ways to love. There are ways that cut through the different times in our lives and that often dwell together in our hearts. There are people who love to feel less lonely or to give meaning...
If You Desire to Grow in Holiness, Strive for These 10 Evangelical Virtues of Mary
God knew that we would need examples of how to live the faith well, and He has provided us with numerous Saints to observe and learn from in order that we too may lead holy lives. Of course, the Queen of all the Saints in Heaven is our Blessed Mother Mary and she is...
10 Thoughts You Might Have Had If You’re Not Crazy About Mary
Like many people, I have struggled very much with Our Lady’s place in my life. I have struggled to understand her or see the need to pray to her. I have resented devotions towards her and seen her as an unnecessary “addition” to our faith. Yet in all this, I longed...
10 Messages From The Virgin Mary That Every Catholic Should Know
Catholics are known for our devotion to Mary. For good reason, the Mother of God was full of both grace and wisdom. Did you know that Mary continues to speak to us today? We would like to share with you a collection of 10 messages from the Virgin Mary that we...
7 Attitudes The Virgin Mary Teaches Us On The Feast Of The Annunciation
Today, the Feast of the Annunciation, we are celebrating Mary, celebrating her yes, that yes which opened the world to our Savior. Today is a great day because She has taught us that by the cooperation of a person the doors of heaven have been opened to all mankind....