Leo XIII: The second longest serving Pope since Peter and a great encyclical writer. He is also the oldest person to be recorded on motion picture film. Check out this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t99cgefDHXE In this episode of Habemus Papam, Fr. Conrad...
Blessed Pius IX: Habemus Papam– Episode 253
Bl. Pius IX: Our Longest serving Pope since St. Peter, the Immaculate Conception, and the 20th Eccumenical Council, Vatican I. In this episode of Habemus Papam, Fr. Conrad discusses Blessed Pius IX, who succeeded Gregory XVI: The last non-bishop to be elected Pope, a...
Habemus Papam Bonus Episode 5: Pope Recap
Habemus Papam Recap 5: 250 Popes, 1800 years and the beginning of the last 15 episodes of this series. In this episode of Habemus Papam, Fr. Conrad recaps the last 15 popes in the series. You can listen to the previous episode about Leo XII: An old traditionalist Pope...
Benedict XIV: Habemus Papam– Episode 245
Benedict XIV: A learned and moderate Pope, an "honest man", and the first rumblings against the Jesuits. In this episode of Habemus Papam, Fr. Conrad discusses Benedict XIV, who succeeded Clement XII: A blind Pope who tries to “right the ship” in Rome. You can listen...
Innocent XIII: Habemus Papam – Episode 242
Innocent XIII: A short papacy of a Pope from an old papal family.
Innocent XII: Habemus Papam – Episode 240
Innocent XII: Last Papal beard and an end to nepotism.
Alexander VIII: Habemus Papam – Episode 239
Alexander VIII: Nepotism comes back big, for a little while. In this episode of Habemus Papam, Fr. Conrad discusses Alexander VIII, who succeeded Blessed Innocent XI–The only "Blessed" Pope between St. Pius V and St. Pius X, the siege of Vienna, and the continued...
Habemus Papam: Episode 237 – Clement X
Clement X: The newest and oldest cardinal gets elected Pope unexpectedly. In this episode of Habemus Papam, Fr. Conrad discusses Pope Clement X, who succeeded Pope Clement IX–A popular Pope who heard confessions weekly for the public and who published the world’s...
Habemus Papam: Episode 232 – Gregory XV
Gregory XV: The reform of papal elections and the most epic canonization ever.
Habemus Papam: Episode 81–St. Benedict II
A Saintly Pope and the end of Byzantine Confirmation of Papal Elections. To listen to more Catholic Link podcasts, click here. View the Catholic Link YouTube page here....
Cardinals, Bishops, Pope’s Comments On Civil Unions | Civil Unions
Pope Francis recently named new cardinals, but not all of them are bishops...is that even allowed? Well actually, in the history of the Church, it's not that uncommon. Fr. George explains the history of cardinals and what their function is today. We also learn about...
The Vatican’s New Track Team: Nuns, Priests, And Swiss Guards
The Vatican announced on Thursday that there will be an official track team set to compete in international races for the Holy See. Currently, the sixty-member team includes nuns, priests, Swiss Guards, and other employees of the Vatican. In a Sports Illustrated...
Pope Francis, 300 Young People, And The World’s Biggest Deep Meaningful Conversation
One Young Adult Reports Back from the Vatican Pre-Synod of Young People: I’ve always loved deep meaningful conversations (aka DMCs). Whether spontaneously at house parties with strangers or in a pub with a good friend, I always treasure the conversations that go...
The Truth About The Vatican’s Sex Ed Program
I’m not going to tell you what to believe, but I am going to present the facts to you. I believe in the one true Catholic Church and I adhere to the authority of the Pope. So, when news sources try to confuse his words or make the Catholic Church seem as if it is...
4 Reasons to Support Ad Orientem (the priest facing East during the Liturgy)
Last week, Cardinal Robert Sarah who is the Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship (the person in the Vatican in charge of Liturgy) said that priests should celebrate Mass ‘ad orientem’ (facing East) rather than facing the congregation as they currently do,...
Why does the Holy Father have Astronomers? (Relationship between Faith and Science)
One time, I was able to visit the Vatican Observatory and meet Brother Guy together with some of the other astronomers. One of those who were with us asked them,"Why does the Vatican have an observatory?" One of the priest astronomers replied: "That's what the Vatican...