Every action has consequences. It’s not always a matter of weighing the pros and cons because some choices we consider have a con that should alert us to not look further into the pros. Yet, we still do, trying to justify our actions, our choices. Here in this...
Value of Life
A Powerful Testimony On Forgiveness After Abortion
It is easy to think of abortion abstractly. It is talked about in association with laws and legal agendas. It is easy to forget that there are real people, real lives that are in the midst of these "hot topic" debates. Both the lives of unborn babies and the lives of...
What Would You Tell A Baby On Their First Day Here?
“Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:3 Throughout our lives, we have made many sacrifices to God. Now it’s a good time to start recognizing how amazing God is to us. It is a...
The most watched varsity goal in the world…get to know the scorer
If you play or have ever played soccer, I think you will especially appreciate this spectacular, stunning video. Aside from the fact the Nico Calabria plays many sports (he’s even climbed Kilimanjaro), what impressed me particularly was his scissor-kick goal. I...