How can billions of men and women believe that what their eyes see as bread is God? How can sane people support the claim by the Catholic Church according to which, at Holy Mass, bread becomes the Body of Jesus, and wine becomes His Blood? The Church teaches that the...
understanding the mass
Does It Matter What You Wear To Mass?
Dress to Impress For Catholic Mass? I want to make something clear from the outset. This article is NOT about dressing to impress on Sundays. The Church is not about fashion; though, there are many beautiful chasubles, habits, stoles, and the like in the Church’s two...
What One Priest Told Me About The Mass That Still Gives Me Goosebumps
There are certain, obvious parts of the Mass that become more automatic touchstones ... easier, in a sense, for us to focus on or re-focus from. For instance, we can read along in our missals during the Liturgy of the Word—a natural way to engage. And at the...
10 Things You Should Know About Catholic Mass Etiquette
A few weeks ago during Mass the people in the pew behind me would not stop talking. They chatted away throughout the whole celebration. Needless to say, it was driving me crazy. I was getting more and more aggravated mostly because I was struggling to keep my own...
Trouble Understanding The Mass? Here’s A Simple Explanation
The Mass is the sacrifice of Christ. He offered Himself once and forever on the cross. The Mass is the center of our Christian life and the thanks offering we present to God for His great love toward us. It is not another sacrifice. It is not a repetition. It is the...
If You Want To Do Something For God, Go To Mass
Father, you want me to be what? A Eucharistic minister? Oh no, Father, I am not worthy! There were my responses – thirteen years ago – when my parish priest approached me to consider serving the People of God as an extraordinary minister of the Eucharist (the more...