Not only is January the start of a new year, but it is also the perfect month to remind us to pray for the unborn who are at the start of their new life, where we all began our own lives. Furthermore, the traditional devotion for January is the Holy Name of Jesus and...
“I’m Not Pro-Murdering Babies”: Resources For A Catholic Response To Abortion
There has been a post circulating around Facebook and other places which begins “I’m not pro-murdering babies.” The post then presents various circumstances in which an abortion could be justified, in the view of the author. The problems with the post and many and...
A Lullaby For The Unborn On The Day Of Prayer
January 22 marks the Day of Prayer for the Protection of Unborn Children. With over 60 million innocent lives lost to abortion in the United States since 1973, it is essential that we lift up our voices in prayer for an end to this atrocity. Today, take a moment to...
The Secret Life of Unborn Babies Revealed
Today's video helps us to see that the argument in favor of abortion which carries with it the presupposition that a fetus isn't a human person is one that requires a big leap of faith. There is so much going on in the life of unborn babies, much more than we...
To Be Born: A Letter From An Aborted Child
Please take the title's warning seriously. This video has graphic scenes that portray both the physical procedure and the emotional stress of a young woman in an abortion. However, we see the depravity only when we compare it with the marvelous miracle of every human...