"The branch must choose between one thing and another:either the vine or the fire." Saint Augustine, Homily 81.3 Wait Before the vine bears fruit, we need to wait and have patience. First of all, there is the time in which the vine is planted: a long time must pass...
Loneliness and Christmas with Fr. Rob
In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast, Fr. Rob and Fr. George Elliot discuss how the Christmas season can be a lonely time for a lot of people. Firstly, priests may experience a particular loneliness when they celebrate multiple liturgies in a short time, and...
How To Hear God’s Voice When Life Is Busy
As human beings, we all long for a deeper connection with God. We want to hear His voice, feel His presence, and know that He is with us in our daily lives. But how can we achieve this? How can we hear God's voice amidst the noise and chaos of our busy lives? Here are...
What Is Holy Abandonment And Why Is It So Difficult?
Have you ever struggled to fully comprehend the concept of "holy abandonment" when it is discussed? I have personally experienced this, and even though I understand it better now, I still find it challenging to put it into practice. The idea of surrendering one's will...
The Top 3 Reasons People Don’t Go To Church Anymore (And How To Respond!)
We can see it. Church attendance is down. We view people who attend Mass monthly as our “engaged Catholics.” Those who attended out of habit and lukewarm faith fell out of the habit of coming to church when we closed parishes for the Covid-19 pandemic. Do we even...
Life Is Full Of Unexpected Changes…Here’s How To Respond | Gospel Reflection
Gospel of Luke 5:1-11 While the crowd was pressing in on Jesus and listening to the word of God,mhe was standing by the Lake of Gennesaret. He saw two boats there alongside the lake; the fishermen had disembarked and were washing their nets.Getting into one of...
5 Signs You’re Struggling With Scrupulosity
What is Scrupulosity? Scrupulosity is a disorder in which someone is pathologically obsessed with moral or religious issues, and it makes them act in a compulsive and often distressing way. Someone suffering from scrupulosity has obsessions, feels compulsions, has...
Every Kind Of Suffering Is An Invitation From God
When we suffer in any way, it is normal to ask why. Why does this have to happen? Why would God allow this? In some of our worst moments of suffering, it can feel not only like God is not present, but that he is very far away. We feel abandoned and betrayed. We get...
A Love Story In The Time Of Quarantine
I wish I had always known God’s loving tenderness. I have been a Catholic all my life but it was only a year ago that I discovered a God who loves us with such magnitude that not only is He powerful, He is also tender, as a terrified new father, who stands in by the...
The 8th Commandment: From Fake News To Good News
The 8th commandment says, “You shall not bear false witness.” However, to avoid falsehood, we need to serve truth. And to serve truth, we need to do the hard work of checking facts, researching the reliability of our sources, following the dictates of logic, and...
Do You Really Know What The “Serenity Prayer” Means?
The Skit Guys break down the meaning of the "Serenity Prayer" in this hilarious, yet insightful video. Chances are good that you've seen this prayer floating around the internet and have maybe even prayed it yourself. The prayer has become widely known because it is...
6 Promises Of God Every Christian Should Know
It's important that Christians know the Word of God and write it on their hearts. In times of trouble, stress, and despair, it is the God's promises that give us hope. The scriptures remind us that with our eyes fixed on Christ we can weather any storm that comes our...
How To Pray A Novena – A Visual Step By Step Guide
The novena is a Catholic practice of prayer that’s done over the course of nine days. Its practice goes back to the time of the apostles. The first novena can be attributed to when they got together to pray, after the Ascension waiting for the coming of the Holy...
This Is The Moment In The Mass That Softened A Grieving Mom’s Heart
"Shall we now begin the Mass." The words that I had loved hearing over the last several years now felt like an invitation to the tears that were always a struggle to keep locked in. As our priest listed the intentions of the Mass, I listened intently, keeping my...
Be Bold! The Father Is Waiting And Will Always Catch You | Catholic Bible Study
Are you holding back in your faith? Cowering in the locked upper room like the Disciples? Father Ian VanHeusen leads us in a Catholic Bible Study on John 20:19-31, and the awesome trustworthiness of God to catch us when we step out, risk big, and shed our fears in...
Why Is It So Hard To Believe God’s Greatest Promise|Catholic Bible Study
“Consider, oh man, what God became for your sake; understand this lesson of surpassing humility presented by a teacher who, as yet, says no word.” - Saint Augustine The word “to promise” means to put in motion. And a promise is the way in which we put our lives in...
Want To Marry A Man Who Loves God? Do This 1 Thing Now!
The Culture Project has been producing some amazing videos that answer the questions so many of us have about relationships, chastity, and learning to accept yourself. The video featured today contains practical advice for those who are waiting on a man who loves...
How to Trust When You Feel Abandoned | Catholic Bible Study
One of the best ways to enrich your experience at Sunday Mass is to pray and meditate on the Gospels. A great way of doing this is using the technique of Lectio Divina, a powerful method which we explain here. The following is the Sunday Gospel reading with a...
3 Reasons God Speaks To The Human Heart In A Whisper
St. Ignatius of Loyola explains, “By the term “Spiritual Exercises” is meant every method of examination of conscience, of meditation, of contemplation, of vocal and mental prayer, and of other spiritual activities. “For just as taking a walk, journeying on foot, and...
This Heartwarming Video Had the YouTube Comments Section Weeping, But What Can It Teach Us in the Church?
This video had the usually brutal Youtube comment section reaching for the tissues to dry their tears, as an articulate little boy and a warm, grandfatherly older man exchange their thoughts, struggles and joys. The most attractive part of their exchange is the fact...
How To Trust In God’s Infinite Love When Life Is Difficult
One of the best ways to enrich your experience at Sunday Mass is to pray the Mass Readings personally and to meditate on a Gospel reflection. A great way of doing this is using the technique of Lectio Divina, a powerful method that we explain here. The following is...
4 Things Pope Francis Wants All Young People To Remember
Pope Francis began a letter to address young people by stating, “I want you to be the center of attention because you are in my heart." This letter serves as an invitation to all young people to place their trust in Jesus who will guide them to fulfillment through...
5 Things To Do When God’s Plan For You Doesn’t Make Sense
There are times when life just doesn't make sense at all. It's a total mystery why God would ask us to go through trials, tragedies, and suffering. During these dark seasons of life, it can be tempting to turn to despair and become angry with God and His plan for our...
The Biblical Image Of The Leper And What It Means For Us | Catholic Bible Study
As Jesus continued his journey to Jerusalem, he traveled through Samaria and Galilee. As he was entering a village, ten lepers met him. They stood at a distance from him and raised their voices, saying, “Jesus, Master! Have pity on us! And when he saw them, he said,...
Radical Trust, What Does it Mean? Catholic Bible Study Luke 16:1-13
Gospel of Luke 16:1-13 The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith.” The Lord replied, “If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you would say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you. “Who among you would say to...