The act of thinking is in a bit of a predicament these days. American culture has never cared less about what has been known for millennia as "objective truth." Despite the apathy, an objective truth still guides and directs reality, whether I or anyone else cares...
8 Tips For Introducing Millennials And Gen Z To The Beauty Of Catholicism
Step into most Catholic churches these days and you will quickly notice that the number of "gray hairs" is greater than the number of young adults, young families, and teens. Is the Catholic Church dying? It might appear that way, but in several areas of the...
The Determination Of This Elderly Man Will Make You Appreciate Your Ability To Move
This recent ad, made by a film student and ignored by the brand it was created to promote, is so profound and moving that it's not hard to see why it's gone viral. It tells the tale of an aged marathon runner waiting out his final years in a care home. We see him...
Have You Heard The “God Is An Elephant” Analogy?
Argument: Four blind men stumble upon an elephant. Each man begins to grope around in order to understand what exactly it is: one man examines the tail, another, the trunk, another, a front leg, etc. After a while, they reach their conclusions and begin to describe...
Does The Catholic Church Believe Sex Is A Sin?
How can you follow a Church that still believes that sex is a sin? This is the question one friend asks of another and thus begins a fantastic overview of John Paul II’s Theology of the Body. Theology of the Body (TOB) is much more than just a theology of sex in the...