Las Posadas is an Advent tradition begun by Hispanic Catholics in the 16th century. Las Posadas means “the Inns,” and like a typical novena lasting nine days, the celebration spans the nine days before Christmas. Though it does involve knocking on doors and...
So Much More Than Just Smoke: What Is The Importance Of Using Incense In The Catholic Church?
Incense – A Long History Incense has been used in sacred worship for over five thousand years. Long before Christian worship began burning fragrant aromas in liturgy, the Egyptians began using incense in a religious way during the Fifth Dynasty, between 2494 and 2345...
June Is Devoted To The Sacred Heart Of Jesus | Mark Your Calendar!
Did you know that each month has a traditional Catholic devotion? We can focus on each devotion month-by-month to grow in our faith and traditions. Make notes for yourself, write them on your calendar, and pray a specific prayer each day of the month to remember. You...
Ten Reasons To LOVE Tradition
Archaic. Backward. Ignorant. That’s what some people think of tradition. They outright reject it purely for the sake of rejecting it, but that’s as bad as following tradition without knowing what makes each tradition so wonderful. When I hear tradition, I either...
12 Ideas To Celebrate All 12 Days Of Christmas!
We’re not just happy that Jesus was born on December 25. We’re always happy about His coming while we look forward to His second coming! It might only be one time a year that we focus on His birth, specifically, but it’s something we always hold in our hearts. During...
5 Reasons Why I Used To Hate Advent And Why I Don’t Now
Growing up Catholic, Advent was always strictly observed in our home. We never skipped over it to start Christmas early. Though I had a good idea of the purpose of Advent- it being a time of preparation and prayer- I made my way though it grimly. I understood the head...
To Avoid Being A Christmas Hypocrite We Must Do More Than Decorate, Bake, and Sing
Today's video reveals the inner match that goes on between the "religiously-correct" speeches that we give and the reality that we live. "The authenticity of our faith is always being tested, especially during Christmas. It's not just our words that matter. It's our...