In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast. Fr. Rob and Fr. George discuss what our proper attitude towards tradition and traditional liturgies should be. The Traditional Latin Mass and other traditional liturgies are strikingly beautiful. However, there is a danger...
My Favorite Catholic Traditions | Diego
Almost every single time I hear a Taylor Swift song, I think of my friend Sofía. During high school, I didn't have a car of my own, and she didn't mind giving me free rides everywhere, so we spent our semesters going together to mass and holy adoration in her Toyota....
Pray The “Veni, Creator Spiritus” On January 1 (New Year’s Day) For A Plenary Indulgence
Veni, Creator Spiritus | Catholic Prayer For New Year's Day (January 1) Come, Holy Spirit, Creator blest,and in our souls take up Thy rest;come with Thy grace and heavenly aidto fill the hearts which Thou hast made. O comforter, to Thee we cry,O heavenly gift of God...
An Advent Confessional
Catholics are to take advantage of the sacrament of Penance at least once a year--if you’re Catholic, you should remember that from your CCD or RCIA class. Advent is a particularly good time to do this. If, like most of us, you hurry to clean your homes in preparation...
2 Prayers That Dads Should Memorize And Use Daily
Priest, Prophet, and King A Baptized man shares in the offices of Christ of priest, prophet, and king. A Baptized man who is the father of children is a priest, prophet, and king in a particular way. His house is his domestic church and his children are the flock that...
Get Rid Of “Elf On The Shelf” And Try These Christ-Centered Alternatives Instead!
It's no secret that I'm not a Pinterest kind of mom. Any craft or project I try usually ends up as a complete fail. Maybe I'm slightly bitter about my horrible creative skills and that's why I've never been able to fully get behind the "Elf on the Shelf" craze, but I...
Ten Reasons To LOVE Tradition
Archaic. Backward. Ignorant. That’s what some people think of tradition. They outright reject it purely for the sake of rejecting it, but that’s as bad as following tradition without knowing what makes each tradition so wonderful. When I hear tradition, I either...
7 Spiritual Ideas To Replace The Typical New Year’s Superstitions
The New Year, as a celebration, is a strange thing, nice, but strange. The tenderness, peace, and quiet lived during Christmas, just a few days ago, suddenly gives way to culinary and ethylic creativity, accompanied with gladness and parties that go well into the...
5 Tips To Welcome “Christmas Catholics” To Mass (and avoid being Saturday Night Live’s Christmas Mass Parody)
This skit from Saturday Night Live has been making rounds on both Catholic and non-Catholic blogs since it aired last December. Surprisingly respectful for the most part, SNL over exaggerates several of the people and scenarios we may encounter at Christmas Mass. I...