Recently, a student showed me the days-long conversation she’d been having with her Snapchat A.I. assistant. She felt ambivalence about how “creepy” it was, but she couldn’t stop engaging with it. No matter what she asked, a reply instantly blinked onscreen. Yet it...
When Should Parents Start Teaching Theology Of The Body To Their Children?
Parents often wonder when they should begin teaching the Theology of the Body (TOB) to their children…the answer is: In the womb! Yes, that means talking to your unborn child who begins to hear and recognize voices—your body matters to the unborn child. “The Body...
5 Essential Tips For Young Adult Men To Live A Pure Life
Let’s face it. Purity is not always the easiest virtue to cultivate. And our culture isn’t giving young men any breaks! But the battle against lust is one that every Catholic man must fight. While that fight looks different for...
A Big List Of Saints From Big Families
When I'm out and about running errands with my children, it's inevitable that someone will comment on the size of my family. Are they all yours? Were you trying for the girl? My, you've got your hands full! And, my personal favorite, you do know how that happens,...
10 Powerhouse Quotes From JPII’s Theology Of The Body
It’s summer and that means many couples will be entering into the Sacrament of Marriage. If you want to give a great gift to your future spouse, then I would suggest studying a bit of Saint John Paul II’s Theology of the Body. You can find information and guides at...