An Example of Misguided Therapy The Case of the Pillow-Thrasher At the end of his rope, and feeling entirely frustrated with himself, an ill-tempered man steps into a therapy office in search of hope and healing. A well-meaning but frighteningly misguided therapist...
World Marriage Day Reflection | Called To The Joy Of Love
Gospel of Luke 6:17, 20-26 Jesus came down with the Twelveand stood on a stretch of level groundwith a great crowd of his disciplesand a large number of the peoplefrom all Judea and Jerusalemand the coastal region of Tyre and Sidon.And raising his eyes toward his...
Mental Health And Faith: Seeking Counseling Is Not Discrediting Jesus
No one has to tell you that many people have been suffering with their mental health during this pandemic. As a graduate student studying professional counseling, I am passionate about ending the stigma of mental illness. During my first year of grad school, my...
There’s Something Therapeutic About Watching The Restoration Of This Painting Of Mary
Watch and marvel as this artist meticulously restores a 150-year-old beautiful painting of Our Lady. Julian Baumgartner of the Baumgartner Fine Art Restoration in Chicago masterfully uses techniques that will allow this painting to be preserved for another 150 years....
My Resurrection- Coming Forward as a Survivor of Sexual Abuse
Jesus was my excuse. He wanted me to forgive my abuser, to give him a second chance. But in the pit of my stomach, I know that I just made that up because I was too afraid to speak up. My name is Maria Sage. I am a 24-year-old Catholic, a writer, a bookworm, a lover...
A Catholic Woman Shares Her Victory Over Depression
"For so long, I kept things to myself and refused to open up because I didn't want to burden people with my problems and because I didn't think anyone would understand what I was going through. I was so wrong. No matter who you are, no matter what you're struggling...