“This fear of death is like a constant winter.” ~ St. Augustine Last week, in order to make the most out of the Christmas break, I went on a trip to Naples with friends from the parish where I assist on the weekends and where my close friend is the parish priest....
What Does A Party Symbolize In The Bible?
“Allow me to do the best that I can.” - Babette’s Feast by K. Blixen Organizing a party is a serious matter. It says a lot about us and many times it is a symbol of our lives. There are those that love to take care of every detail themselves and those that leave...
6 Things You Didn’t See: The Year of Mercy Logo Explained
As the Year of Mercy is now underway, I would suggest taking a moment to reflect on the official logo. While our own artistic sensibilities may vary, it’s always important to ask: God, how might You be speaking to me through this? Is there something here that I am...