'There will be signs in the sun and moon and stars; on earth nations in agony, bewildered by the turmoil of the ocean and its waves; men fainting away with terror and fear at what menaces the world, for the powers of heaven will be shaken. And then they will see the...
Quotes From Saints Who Have No Reason To Be Thankful (but found one anyway)
This time of year, throughout the holiday season, we tend to hear a lot about the importance of being thankful. Some of us may ask, though, what about those moments or seasons in life when we just don’t feel like we have anything to be grateful for? Often our trials...
Accepting Suffering | Benedict XVI Quote
"We can try to limit suffering, to fight against it, but we cannot eliminate it. It is when we attempt to avoid suffering by withdrawing from anything that might involve hurt, when we try to spare ourselves the effort and pain of pursuing truth, love, and goodness,...
Jimmy Fallon’s Search for Meaning
Late night host Jimmy Fallon recently spent 10 days in the ICU recovering from a fall in which he severely injured his finger. When Fallon returned to the “Tonight Show” after a two week hiatus, he shared the details of his injury and hospital stay with his audience....
A 9-Year-Old Watched A Video About Forgiving ISIS, What She Did Next Will Blow You Away
Caroline’s teacher, Mrs. Tranel, shared: She came after Easter and set it on my desk saying, "Read it if you want." I kind of forgot it and then one day discovered it under a pile on my desk. Parts of it took my breath away. I knew I needed to do something...
What Do You Have To Be Thankful For? In Just Might Be Suffering!
Dr. Peter Kreeft, a philosophy professor at Boston College, does an incredible job explaining how both God and Suffering can exist in this brief video. In just a few minutes, Dr. Kreeft successfully refutes many of the arguments that atheists often use when they...
8 Thoughts On How To Live The Experience Of Miscarriage
This video could not possibly make my heart ache more as I watched the loving tenderness of Chris Picco singing Blackbird to his baby, Lennon James Picco, in the NICU. Lennon was delivered by emergency C-section at 24 weeks gestation after Chris' wife unexpectedly and...
If God Exists, Why Is There Suffering? A Look At The Question From A Catholic Perspective
This video gives a fairly clear answer to an age-old question: if God exists and he is all good and powerful, then why do people, especially the innocent, suffer? In his argument, Peter Kreeft basically says that the fact we even say “it’s not fair” is proof that God...
Are You Willing To Let God Transform Your Suffering?
Suffering is a difficult topic to discuss in a world that likes to feel good. This video is a beautiful representation of how Christianity views suffering. Stephanie takes an X-ray, showing parts of oneself that are seemingly broken and useless, and uses it as a...
Slavery: It’s right On Your Doorstep
A quick internet search will show that Pope Francis has spoken about human trafficking frequently and regularly since he was elected, but what is human trafficking and what is the big deal? This selection of videos gives some more insight into the issue. The United...
“Save the Children”: The Terror of War Seen from the Eyes of a Child
atholic-link.com - "Save the Children" is an international organization that promotes the well-being of vulnerable children, amongst which are those children caught in the middle of conflicts and wars. Today's video aims to raise awareness of the...
Why Do We Ban Suffering on Facebook?
Today's video illustrates an all too common reality. To the question, "What's on your mind?" so few really answer with the truth. Losers are unpopular. Suffering doesn't fetch “likes." So why not just lie? What's the use in sharing these things if no one wants to hear...
Her Audition Shows How Music Helps Overcome Depression
Anna Clendening is a 20 year-old American girl who suffers from clinical depression and anxiety. For a long time, her difficult situation kept her indoors, feeding fears that kept her away from social interaction. With the help of her parents, she discovered music,...
Life Is Not An “Existential Bummer” – A Critical Look At Bad Philosophy
For dust thou art, and into dust thou shalt return ~ Genesis 3:19 ~ Might as well detach from it all... right? Safer not to love at all? Better that I avoid the pain that seems to come hand-in-hand with love. “Everything dissolves in meaninglessness when you think...
A Hero in the Unlikeliest of Habitats: One Man Saving the World Through Love
He’s just a simple guy... a schoolteacher. A humble, bespectacled man in a humble profession in a humble city somewhere in middle America. On the other hand, you might call him broken. A broken man, with a broken kid and broken dreams of fatherhood... In a broken...
Danny and Annie: A Love Story for the Ages
A love story for the ages. A simple love story. A small love story. A quiet love story. It's entirely unglamorous, and - yet - doesn't it speak to us? "I mean, those aren’t very romantic things to say, but they stir my heart." What do we hold up as desirable… as a...
Suffering Is The Way To Knowledge Of God.
Today I would like to share one of my favorite videos from the OBS page. It is a beautiful video with an important and timely message for our time: suffering is the path to knowledge of God. It's hard to imagine a more irritating phrase for today's culture. Can...
Love Is So Much More Than A Beautiful Feeling
To speak about love is something quite common in the life of an apostle. We speak of love in many ways: love of God, love of neighbor…Of course, this is correct and good; however, I think there is also a danger that we must watch out for: the danger of...
You Must Lose Your Life In Order To Embrace Resurrection
An impressive video that draws an analogy between the process that the wood must undergo in order to be formed and our own process to be made into a new creation in Christ. It is Christ himself who lays down the path before us by his example on the Cross, manifesting...
Jesus’ Last Day And The Temptation Of Peter
Pope Francis has reminded us of a fundamental truth: there is no Christianity without the Cross. Daily, we are presented with the temptation of St. Peter: Lord, “I will follow you, but let us not speak of the Cross; I will follow you on other terms, but without the...
How Will This Man Respond When His Dentist Tells Him God Doesn’t Exist?
This short video comes from Vision Fudge, an organization which makes films in order to help people explore life’s big questions. Whether or not God exists is definitely one of those questions. In the video they ask three questions about belief in God: Does...
The Miracle of Life: Answering One Question With Two Others
This beautiful video comes from Real Alternatives, a non-profit group that works to support and provide alternatives to abortion for pregnant women to choose life for their babies. The video, a combination of animations and ultrasound images, shows the development of...
Inspirational Lessons in Faith from Rocky
“Life ain't about how hard you can hit, it's about how hard you can GET hit, and keep movin' forward." In this scene from Rocky Balboa, we see Robert Balboa (Rocky's son) struggling to climb the corporate ladder, and feeling dwarfed by his father's shadow. He is...
In Sickness And In Health: The Incredible Story Of A Marriage Founded In God
Here is an excellent video for those doing apostolate with married couples or those preparing for marriage. It leaves us with an impactful and real testimony of what it means to be authentically committed to loving one another in marriage. What is marriage? I once had...
How to Help a Friend Who is Mourning
"Without God, the Cross crushes us; with God, it redeems and saves us" (John Paul II). Perhaps something similar can be said of a friend, a presence by our side that brings a little light into our darkness. How to be that friend? How to be Christ to someone when he or...