As humans, we all seem to have a natural love of a good story. Whether it be a good movie, TV show, or book, it is easy to become immersed into another world and be transported into another time in history or a different planet of the universe. Stories told well can...
5 Inspiring Stories Of People Who Overcame All Odds To Succeed
"There's no such thing as can't!" This phrase will be familiar to many of us from our childhoods, probably met with an eye-roll and stomping off upstairs to finally clean our room. But in this video the phrase has been taken to heart as a powerful and...
15 News Stories that Impacted Catholics in 2016
Take some time to reflect on these events from 2016 with your spouse, family, prayer group, or friends for a better understanding of how they have affected your lives and faith. (Click on the hyperlinks to see related videos or news articles.) 15 News Stories...
The 5 Things Catholics Need to Stop Doing When Talking About Faith
People are quick to point out the "flaws" of the Catholic Church, and at times it can feel like we always need to defend our faith to a culture that doesn't fully understand it. Of course, we will make mistakes, but these practical tips will help you stay focused on...