In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast. Fr. Rob and Fr. George share consoling information about the Devil and demons. They share that demons cannot read your mind and they cannot read your soul. The Devil's and the demons' goal is to make one dislike God. All...
St. Michael the Archangel
30 Things Catholics Need For Spiritual Survival
What Do Catholics Need For Spiritual Survival? A Crucifix in every room Rosary for every family member Pray the rosary daily Beeswax candles Holy Water frequently sprinkled and available for blessing St. Benedict medals worn and placed around one's home and property,...
What Does The Bible Have To Say About Angels?
The Bible has many references to angels. This will certainly not be an exhaustive treatment, but we will give some context to what angels are and then discuss the three archangels. What are Angels? The word “angel” comes from the Greek word “aggelos” meaning...