I’m not a Dad, but when I came across this video online I knew it would be worth sharing. Every family-man longs to be a good husband and a good father. And they all try to do so, often slaving at a job they don’t particularly like. It’s often draining trying to...
This Simple Method Of Praying With Your Spouse Will Improve Your Marriage!
Praying with my husband is something that has never been easy for me to do. Though I tell him everything and share all aspects of my life with him, I've always seemed to stumble when it comes to our prayer time together. Our first few years of marriage, I forced...
3 Ways You Can Prepare For Your Future Spouse
If you feel that you are called to marriage, there are series of things that you can do to prepare yourself for that beautiful call. Here we are going to go over three key ideas that can help you together with some reflection questions. We invite you to watch Father's...
The Best Marriage Advice From Couples Who’ve Been Married 50+ Years!
Some of the couples on this list have been married for over seventy years! We can certainly learn from the invaluable advice and insight they have to share. Take a few moments to watch their videos and learn from the wisdom of those who have had years of experience in...
5 Reasons Your Spouse Should be More in Love With God Than With You
Jesus proposes a way of loving that applies to everything in life. He teaches us the new commandment and gives us the coordinates so that our affective relationships may land on safe shore. Marriage is no a stranger to this kind of love nor these instructions that The...
8 Things You Should Be Doing If You Want To Find “The One”
The time spent waiting to meet “the one” can be difficult, lonely, and slow moving. Yet, it doesn’t have to be. You have a choice. You can choose to sit around and wait for love to come to you or you can actively seek it. You can complain that...
(Quiz) What Does the Catholic Church Really Teach About Marriage?
There’s a lot of talk these days about the definition of marriage and what the Catholic Church teaches on marriage. As Catholics, we must be equipped with knowledge in order to stand for truth. Because of the nature of this quiz, you will find direct quotes from the...
5 Ways To Give Your Spouse The Best Gift Ever (Hint: It’s You!)
"Man finds himself when he makes himself a sincere gift." These are the words of wisdom given to us by Saint Pope John Paul II and reiterated by Leah Darrow in this promotional video for Beloved: Finding Happiness in Marriage. What is the best gift you can give your...
Does The Catholic View On Marriage Increase Tension Among Spouses?
The greatest challenge of any relationship is simultaneously the source of its beauty, value, and mystery. Here, I am talking about tension. I am not speaking of a psychological or muscular concept, rather a very deep and human one. I have in mind, for example, the...
In Sickness And In Health: The Incredible Story Of A Marriage Founded In God
Here is an excellent video for those doing apostolate with married couples or those preparing for marriage. It leaves us with an impactful and real testimony of what it means to be authentically committed to loving one another in marriage. What is marriage? I once had...
Is Cohabitation Good for Marriage?
"I spent more time planning my wedding than I spent happily married,” she sobbed. Most disheartening to Jennifer was that she’d tried to do everything right. “My parents got married young so, of course, they got divorced. We lived together! How did this happen?”...