Catholic-Link was blessed to host Fr. Timothy Gallagher, O.M.V. to share his wisdom with us. Below you'll find a recording of the conversation we had. Overcoming Spiritual Discouragement With Fr. Timothy Gallagher, O.M.V....
Spiritual Combat
Overcoming Temptation with Prayer and Patience
If a man tries to overcome temptations without prayer and patient endurance, he will become more entangled in them instead of driving them away. - St. Mark the Ascetic, On Spiritual Law
The more you feed sin, the more it burns.
Sin is a blazing fire. The less fuel you give it, the faster it dies down; the more you feed it, the more it burns. St. Mark the Ascetic, On Spiritual Law
MS Hasn’t Stopped Her From Running The Race
Lately I’ve been a bit jaded about sports, even as someone who grew up playing all kinds, and enjoying them as both a participant and a spectator. I’ve found myself thinking that all sports are on steroids these days (literally and figuratively speaking), and...
Why Is Our Culture So Afraid of Getting Older?
One of the many commercials that form part of Dove’s Beauty campaign, this video addresses what is probably one of the biggest fears of our time: age. A study of 2,000 women conducted by Superdrug in 2012 found that women start to worry about the signs of aging at 29....
When Will The World Make Her Believe She’s Not Beautiful?
I recently had a conversation with a friend and we were trying to remember the age we began to feel self-conscious. When did we start thinking differences between peers were something negative rather than something unique? When did we start comparing ourselves to...
Regarding Henry (1991) Reminds Us of Life’s Essentials
Among the films starring Harrison Ford- best known for his roles as Han Solo and Indiana Jones - Regarding Henry (1991) is possibly one of his least well-known films. Directed by Mike Nichols and written by a young J.J. Abrams - later famous for producing...
What Makes a Saint Different from a Superhero?
Today’s video explores the events and dramas that compose the journey of a hero. It shows how these adventures exist in every human culture and continue repeating themselves. They do so because we humans express our proper world through these kinds of historical...
What does Messi’s Game Have to do with Christian life?
While in the normal realm of physics there are 4 directions (left, right, up, down) Messi seems to move in only three: he doesn't go down. Push him, pull his shirt, karate kick him, slide tackle him, poke his eyes out, and he still has the ball at...