There are Catholics who marry Catholics and who live a wonderful life. There are Catholics who marry Catholics who end up in divorce. There are Catholics who marry non-Catholics who lose their faith. And there are Catholics who marry non-Catholics whose spouses...
3 Ways To Grow In Chastity Before Marriage
Chaste dating is no walk in the park, but it is possible. We’ve been in relationships in the past that were unchaste and ended very badly. When we started courting, we didn’t want to repeat the same habits from our past relationships, so we had to do things...
Want To Marry A Man Who Loves God? Do This 1 Thing Now!
The Culture Project has been producing some amazing videos that answer the questions so many of us have about relationships, chastity, and learning to accept yourself. The video featured today contains practical advice for those who are waiting on a man who loves...
3 Ways You Can Prepare For Your Future Spouse
If you feel that you are called to marriage, there are series of things that you can do to prepare yourself for that beautiful call. Here we are going to go over three key ideas that can help you together with some reflection questions. We invite you to watch Father's...
Five Benefits of Dating Catholic
Relationships are so many things: wonderful, difficult, adventurous, etc. What about Godly? A relationship that glorifies Jesus Christ? Well, we are meant to glorify our King in all that we say and do, in every aspect of our lives. What about dating men and women who...
Catholic Guys: Here Are 5 Qualities Catholic Girls Love
Single Catholic guys, if you feel confused about how to stand out positively to the single Catholic ladies, don't lose hope! Although surface qualities like preferred height, appealing eye color, and keen musical talent may be attractive (who does not like being...
15 Tips For Every Catholic Man Seeking To Win A Woman’s Heart
For many young men, approaching a lady is not an easy task. There’s the fear of rejection, of looking foolish, of not knowing exactly what to say, fear of what others will say, and so on. In addition there are all the fantasies that Hollywood, television, and social...
Does The Person You’re In Love With Have These 10 Essential Qualities?
There is no feeling quite like being in love. It's a time in life when you are truly overwhelmed with joy, happiness, and exuberance. Life feels fresh and exciting. You spend time daydreaming and planning about the future life you and the one you love will share...
How Real (Catholic-Link) People Spend Valentine’s Day
Social media tends to give the false perception that Valentine’s Day is the day of the year in which every person on earth enjoys the most romantic date night ever with the person of his or her dreams. Though it would be nice for that to happen, it is simply not a...
Letter from a Single Dad – You are not alone this Father’s Day (or any day)
In the United States, the number of single dads continues to increase. In the 1960's there were just 300,000 households led by single fathers, but in the most recent survey by Pew Research that number rose to 2.6 million. As a Catholic faith community, we must show...
To The Young Catholic Alone At Mass…
Dear Young Catholic, Just because you should be doing something doesn’t make it easy, nor does it mean you should have to do it alone and unsupported. There are times when being Catholic can be tough when you feel like you are the only person in the entire world who...
7 Reasons You Can’t Figure Out What Vocation You’re Called To
One of the great joys of being a teacher is watching my students’ growing awareness of who or what they want to become. When they finally voice that decision for ‘engineer’, ‘designer’, ‘university student’, ‘apprentice’, I very often see a mix of composure,...
5 Truths About Marriage That Are Hard To Understand When You’re Single
I recently read Catholic-Link's ‘A Single Twenty-Something Shares Her Most Intimate Concerns About Dating, Relationships, and Chastity’ article and my heart went out to the writer and her situation. I loved her willingness to make herself vulnerable to us...
Four Benefits Of Growing In Patience When You’re Single
Waiting for the person whom we will love into eternity can sometimes be daunting. At times, the longing can seem unbearable and impatience can set in. While being single can at times be difficult, this time in life can also be one filled with hope and important life...
A Single Twenty-Something Shares Her Most Intimate Concerns About Dating, Relationships, And Chastity
A single twenty-something intimately and honestly shares with Catholic-Link her personal thoughts on dating, chastity, and the single life. We invite you to enter into the heart and mind of a young woman who is patiently waiting for God's plan to unfold in her life:...
A Love Letter To My Future Wife
Dear Future Wife, It’s funny to write this letter, and yet not know if you will ever read it… Because where should I send it? I have no address for you. No phone number on which to contact you. Facebook and WhatsApp are of no use, and Skype and Instagram will not...
5 Tips for Spending Alone Time with your Girlfriend Without Having to go to Confession the Next Day
Imagine this (it’s pure fiction): It’s never happened in real life, so I doubt you’ll be able to identify with this scenario, just imagine it… Your parents are running errands, so you know you’ll have the house all to yourself for a few hours. Your girlfriend is on...
4 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Saying “I Love You” To Another
When I like you is enough, hope is enkindled with the possible fulfillment of reciprocal like. The fulfillment of that like springs forth new hope from this newfound mutual likeness, possibly turning into love. What an exciting time with endless possibilities, can't...
LifeTeen presents “Youth MinisTinder” – The Dating App Catholics Have Been Waiting For
April Fools! We couldn't resist joining in on the fun of this clever joke from Lifeteen. I know more than a few people that would love for an app like this to be created! This funny and creative video really makes you stop to think about what we are looking for in...
14 Fun Ways to Spend Valentine’s Day When You’re Not in a Relationship
Valentine's Day can be tough when you're not in a relationship. Everywhere you turn it's hearts and chocolates and romance... for everyone else! Don't let that get you feeling down. Get out there and make the most of this special day that our culture uses...
This Is One Of The Most Beautiful Videos On Vocations Ever Made
Saint Augustine, upon arriving at one of the most intense moments of his phenomenal work, The Confessions, once wrote these words to God: "Too late did I love You, O Fairness, so ancient, and yet so new!" Speaking from my own story, perhaps no other phrase summarizes...