Today's video is a production by Unearthed Pictures. The idea is to raise awareness of the true problem behind the outbreak of sexual exploitation: namely, the human heart. The video is valuable in the sense that it reveals a very real and very tragic situation that...
What’s The Church’s True Position On Same Sex Attraction?
In light of pride month, we would like to share this video. Spirit Juice Studios and Fr. Claude Burns (aka Fr. Pontifex) offers us a compelling presentation of the Church's view and attitude towards people who experience same-sex attraction. "The topic of...
The Story Of Leah Darrow: A Testimony Pf Chastity And True Happiness
Today's video is a personal interview done by One Billion Stories of Leah Darrow while she was in Manila, the Philippines. Videos such as these can be extremely useful in our apostolate for their personal and very authentic character. Former America's Next Top Model...
Why Wait Until Marriage To Have Sex?
In today's video we witness a special–yet unfortunately rare– event: two individuals who have said yes to God's plan for our sexuality. They have waited till marriage and are speaking to the camera on the day of their wedding. The man is ecstatic and overwhelmed with...
Does The Catholic Church Believe Sex Is A Sin?
How can you follow a Church that still believes that sex is a sin? This is the question one friend asks of another and thus begins a fantastic overview of John Paul II’s Theology of the Body. Theology of the Body (TOB) is much more than just a theology of sex in the...
The “Dump Him List” Might Save You or Your Friend from Dating Abuse
Crystalina Evert, learning from past experiences and mistakes, offers her "dump him list," a list of more than a dozen signs that it's time to let go of the relationship. If you hope to find lasting love, then it's time to stop ignoring the red flags. Who is...
Why live chastity? “Romance without Regret”
This is a talk given by Jason and Crystalline Evert. Both are full-time apologists with Catholic Answers and here they are giving a chastity seminar called "Romance without regret." It is a fun, compelling, and to-the-point presentation. Highly recommendable for all,...