“Why do you serve the poor?” “Why do you spend time with the poor?” These two questions have been put to me recently, and they’ve gotten me thinking about my current life in inner city Edmonton’s “shelter district.” This is the place I call home,...
Women’s Catholic Gifts Ultimate Guide
We invite you to browse through our favorite gifts for Catholic women. Remember, when you support these Catholic businesses you are helping Catholic families and ministries evangelize. We thank each Catholic vendor featured on our Catholic-Link Gift Guide for all...
The Virtue Of Getting Along
Niceness gets a bad rap these days. In politics, being too nice to one’s opponents is seen as a sign of unseriousness, even betrayal of one’s comrades and principles. In Church affairs, the “Church of Nice” gets dragged for being unwilling to stand up for truth and to...
Can Moms Volunteer? 9 Tips To Make It Work
Volunteering is incredibly beneficial to our spiritual growth. Serving in the community provides opportunities to focus on the needs of others, challenges us in new ways, develops virtues, and encourages us to pray more. But, once you become a mom, isn't your family...
The Incredible Story Of A Pro-life Woman
What does it mean to be pro-life? It's more than prayers. It's even more than marching in Washington D.C. and standing outside abortion clinics. If you really want to understand what it means to be pro-life, watch the incredibly beautiful story of Connie McEldowney....
How To Fight Against Homelessness
Homelessness goes deeper than not having a place to lay your head at night, and solving the problem of homelessness goes deeper than simply providing hot meals or houses. In this video, we see how one man was called by Christ to suffer-with the homeless and how that...
Embrace Your Mission | Extraordinary Missionary Month
When people hear the word “missionary”, most people think of someone who travels to another country to share the Gospel, teach in schools, volunteer in hospitals, and serve the community. Missionaries go to places like Africa, El Salvador, and Haiti. That was always...
See the Poor | Liturgy Live 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
This week on the podcast we talk about needing to be present to the poor. In the first reading we talk about how the Prophet Amos was talking about the leaders in the temple were abusing the items meant for serving God and set aside for His worship. It shows that they...
11 Ways To Integrate Your Faith Into Your Everyday Life
I’ll be the first to admit that integrating the Catholic faith into my everyday life isn’t always easy.Okay, that’s an understatement. It’s far from easy. The number of things I have to do every daycan sometimes leave no room for God. Did I just say that?No room for...
How To Decide Where You Should Volunteer Your Time
Another year brings fresh New Year’s Resolution attempts. Back in 2016, I made a resolution to volunteer, but at the time I just didn’t know where I wanted to volunteer. I never felt God instantly calling me to any particular volunteer program. It took a period of...
Applying Catholic Social Teaching (Part 2)
If you missed Part 1 of this series, find it here! Gray Areas? The center of Catholic Social Teaching is the heart of Christ. Our love for the poor and a desire for true justice is at the heart of the Gospel. Over the course of history there have been hundreds...
What Is Servant Leadership? A Catholic Perspective
What is servant leadership? As leaders, we should be oriented towards service, self gift. It's a simple principle, but it has to be renewed constantly. We also have to take care of ourselves in order to be able to give of ourselves to others. In this week's Catholic...
An Inside Look At A Mission Trip To Mexico City
In early March, our group of 27 students and missionaries from the country embarked on a week-long Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS) Mission trip to Mexico City. As we piled off the bus at the city dump on our first day, no one was prepared for what...
Are You Merely Glorifying Yourself When You Serve Others?
No matter how hard we try to build walls and barriers, it seems as if we’re never really able to close our front door. An unexpected guest or a mysterious visitor always seems to show up without permission. In the 2007 movie, The Visitor by Tom McCarthy, a professor...
Old Guys In Funny Outfits? NO! The Righteous Origins & Mission Of The Knights Of Columbus
If you attend a parish blessed with a Knights of Columbus council, you have probably tasted their delicious pancakes. You may have even had a Tootsie Roll they sell to raise money for charity. But, do you think that’s all they do? Just pancakes and Tootsie Rolls? Who...
5 Things Jesus Teaches About Leadership
Is your authority building up, or tearing down? Presenting five things that Jesus teaches about leadership, used as an examination of conscience. We invite you to watch Father's video, then prayerfully read the Gospel and reflection. We pray that this might help you...
4 Things To Ask Yourself Before Saying “Yes” To Just About Anything
More often than not when I ask someone how they are doing, the reply is "busy". There's no denying that we live in a culture obsessed with busyness. At times, it can almost seem that our self-worth is determined by the number of activities we are involved in. Though...
5 Times The Franciscan Friars Of The Renewal Astounded Us With Coolness
The fact that these Franciscan Friars of the Renewal aren't trying to be cool makes the many different things they do even cooler. From basketball to cooking, these Friars have found creative ways to engage the culture and it's working. Their YouTube videos have...
7 Things To Do Before You Receive The Sacrament Of Confirmation
I did not fully understand the significance of the Sacrament when I received my Confirmation. While I’m certain my teachers did a wonderful job preparing me in an academic sense, my mind and heart were just not completely open to the transforming power of the Holy...
10 Ideas To Make Feeding The Hungry An Act Of Mercy
Recently, my parents and I were away for the weekend for vacation. When we walked into our house Sunday afternoon, it smelled horrible in our kitchen. There was a strange pool of liquid, and I saw pinkish-red splatter all over the sticky floor. While we stared at the...
The Do’s And Don’ts When It Comes To Helping The Poor
We’re already halfway through the Year of Mercy, a time when the Church (that’s us!) is invited to discover God’s mercy for ourselves, as well as for those around us. Pope Francis has been very clear on the importance of this and has encouraged us to “assist others...
What Happens When We Turn Our Backs On The Poor | Mother Teresa Quote
”The poor are thirsty for water but also for peace, truth and justice. The poor are naked and need clothing, but also need human dignity and compassion for those who sin. The poor have no shelter and need shelters made of bricks, but also of a joyful heart,...
The Standoff Between the Thirst for Power and the Thirst for Service (Mk 10:35-45)
James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came to Jesus and said to him, "Teacher, we want you to do for us whatever we ask of you." He replied, "What do you wish me to do for you?" They answered him, "Grant that in your glory we may sit one at your right and the other at...
Watch this powerful video about Christ in the City
On a recent trip to Denver, I was blessed by the hospitality of some Christ in the City missionaries. I had no idea what type of missionaries I was going to live with, but in just a few days they became very special people in my life and I knew that there was...
(Quiz) What Church Ministry Should You Be A Part Of?
"There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone. To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given...