As a physician, my faith has been questioned by those who think I adhere too much to science and my science questioned by those who doubt my objectivity by being true to my faith. I have always worked to blend those two things, faith and science, in my life. This...
What The Church Really Teaches About Evolution? Plus – How To Explain It To Your Know-It All Teenager!
One of the most contentious issues throughout history has been the question of whether life resulted from design or nothing more than physical processes. Are we the product of a mind or an accident of nature? This question took on supreme importance to me in college...
Albert The Great: A Saint For Our Times Who Shows That Faith And Science Are Compatible
Sometimes the student becomes the master. That was the case with the relationship between Saint Thomas Aquinas and Saint Albert the Great. Saint Thomas Aquinas is arguably one of the greatest theologians who ever lived. But in...
This 11-Year-Old Thinks He Can Prove Hawking’s Theory Wrong…And Much Of The Internet Agrees
Does God exist? It's a question every person should ask themselves. Many scientists and theologians seek to provide the answers for us with evidence and proof of their stance. Perhaps one of the most well-known views is that of Stephen Hawking,...
The Ultimate List Of Resources Needed To Explain The Relationship Between Science And Faith
Though the media would have us think differently, the Catholic Church does not oppose science. In fact, the Church encourages us to develop our knowledge of the world around us because it always points to the Divine Creator. Catholics need to be able to articulate our...
4 Things To Know And Share About Science And The Catholic Church
“I’m more of a science kind of person” – maybe you’ve heard this one before. The scenario runs something like this: you meet someone; you’re chatting, and naturally the topic of faith comes up; then you’re hit with the bombshell disclaimer, “well, I’m more of a...
What Is Happening To Science-Minded Millennials In Nebraska?
Good things are happening somewhere in Middle America: Vocations are booming in Lincoln, Nebraska (and Wichita, KS). It's not a secret in the American Catholic world, though it is somewhat perplexing that more bishops have not looked to imitate certain successful...
15 Catholic Scientists Who Have Made Amazing Contributions To The Science
Think science and faith are incompatible? It's a common myth that science and faith contradict each other. These 15 people prove that Catholics can make great scientists. Not only have they upheld the teachings of the Church, but they have also made incredible...
Watch Pope Francis Talk With These Astronauts Aboard The International Space Station
On Thursday, six astronauts aboard the International Space Station had the opportunity to speak with Pope Francis in a video conference call. This is the second time that a Pope has had the opportunity to connect with astronauts while in space. Pope Emeritus Benedict...
10 Quotes Of Nobel Winning Scientists That Think Faith And Science Are Compatible
The other day I had the opportunity to speak to a group of Italian youth. I asked how many of them believe in God. One responded saying, “I don’t believe in religion; rather, I believe in science.” I love this response because it is a typical, yet fertile starting...
“Holding The Human Heart” | What Can Science Teach Us About Love?
After 17 years of education and training, Dr. Kathy E. Magliato is a "heart" expert. In this video produced by Soul Pancake, she shares a beautiful testimony of her life as a heart surgeon. A Deeper Look How many times have we as a people, as a society, as a...
Why does the Holy Father have Astronomers? (Relationship between Faith and Science)
One time, I was able to visit the Vatican Observatory and meet Brother Guy together with some of the other astronomers. One of those who were with us asked them,"Why does the Vatican have an observatory?" One of the priest astronomers replied: "That's what the Vatican...
What Steve Jobs Had to Say About the Impact of the Internet Will Encourage You to Seek the Invisible
“What is invisible? There’s more of it than you think actually. Everything, I would say, everything that matters, except everything… and matter. We can see matter but we can’t see what’s the matter…” John Lloyd, the speaker behind this genial introduction to...