We live in charged times for dialogue, particularly around sexuality. It can feel like “truth” and “charity” are in a tug of war for our attention and application. We know LGBTQ concerns are more than just “issues” that show up in our news feeds. Many of us have...
Same Sex Marriage
12 Essential Keys To Help Christians Understand Same-Sex Attraction
Let’s start out by saying that when we talk about same-sex attraction, what’s important is acceptance and tolerance. We aren’t talking about “tolerating” others as if there was a fundamental distinction between them and us. We are only talking about us. For those who...
5 Quotes From U.S Clergy On Same Sex Marriage
This uplifting video was created by the Archdiocese of St. Louis and reminds of the true joy that comes with the Sacrament of Marriage. We commend those who made this video for your commitment to what the Catholic Church defines as marriage and thank you for...
6 Points To Better Understand Pope Francis’ View On Same Sex Marriage
We were somewhat taken aback by some of the negative responses garnered by some recent posts on same-sex issues. Specifically, that so many of our readers could not fathom how Pope Francis could be against same sex so-called "marriage", or adoption by...