Mentors have been an instrumental part of my life. While I was in high school, the college advisor did little to motivate me to pursue the first college of my choice. It was Helen who guided me through the process that ultimately helped me get accepted. After college,...
role model
Reflections On Spiritual Motherhood
Listen to Mother Gabriella of Christ the Bridegroom Monastery as she shares her insights on the significance of spiritual motherhood and the calling that all women have to embrace this vocation. Through this inspiring video, you will gain a deeper understanding of...
Behind Every Great Accomplishment, There Is A Great Mother
"Thank you, Mom. Pick Them Back Up" is a commercial that reminds us that courage and decisiveness aren't self-made attitudes. Behind the scenes of the greatest of athletes were the greatest of moms. The scenes are appealing - they make us smile, laugh, and sympathize...