Gospel of Luke 4:21-30 Jesus began speaking in the synagogue, saying:“Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing.”And all spoke highly of himand were amazed at the gracious words that came from his mouth. They also asked, “Isn’t this the son of...
Boast In The Cross | Liturgy Live 14th Sunday In Ordinary Time
This week we talk about the readings for the 14th Sunday. In the first reading we talk about the imagery of the comforting mother that Isaiah gives us and how it prefigures our comfort being delivered from the Blessed Mother, and also our Mother the Church. In the...
What Does A Party Symbolize In The Bible?
“Allow me to do the best that I can.” - Babette’s Feast by K. Blixen Organizing a party is a serious matter. It says a lot about us and many times it is a symbol of our lives. There are those that love to take care of every detail themselves and those that leave...
6 Tips For When You Experience Low-Key Rejection
Whether it’s being blown off by a friend, not getting the job we applied for, or being left on "red" by someone we care about, low-key rejection stings. In fact, it sucks. Especially when it's something that’s not major enough to force us to stop life in its tracks,...