Pope Francis officially declared 2025 a Year of Jubilee with a papal bull, Spes Non Confundit,” meaning “Hope Does Not Disappoint.” These quotes will help you to keep your focus on hope throughout 2025! January Catholic Quote To Live By "In a world gone astray from...
Saint Augustine’s “Confessions” | 11 Essential Quotes On The Christian Life
The Confessions is the book through which I encountered a great saint. It is the book I recommend the most when it comes to conversion and the spiritual fight. In addition to being a beautiful dialogue between Saint Augustine and God, this autobiography shows that the...
What The Saints Had To Say About St. Joseph
St. Joseph was a man of few words. Well, at least as it was recorded in the Bible! But, we can learn a lot about St. Joseph from those who studied his ways and had divine inspirations about his character. Saint Quotes About St. Joseph “Though thou hast recourse to...
Who Are The 36 Doctors Of The Church? (The 8 Patristic Era Doctors
Recently, we brought you Part 1 of our series on the Doctors of the Church, having begun our list with the so-called Eight Ecumenical Doctors - from the West - St. Ambrose (340-397), St. Jerome (345-420), St. Augustine (354-430), and Pope St. Gregory the Great...
12 Saint Quotes to Live By
As we begin a new year (liturgical year that is), it is helpful to reflect on our spiritual growth. We can use the wisdom of the saints and the guidance of our Church to direct our path. Use these quotes to guide your prayer time this year and lead you to...
11 Quotes From Pope John Paul II’s “Letter to Women” That Everyone Should Know
In my beginning stages of exploration into women and the Church, I've been told so many times to check out Pope John Paul II's Letter to Women, which he wrote in June 1995, before the Fourth World Conference on Women. I've finally read it, and his message is...
St. Teresa Benedicta Of The Cross 18 Beautiful Quotes From The Champion Of The Feminine, Martyr Of Auschwitz
St. Teresa Benedicta. Do you know her? You ought to. Edith Stein was born in 1891 in Germany, the youngest of 11 children. She was raised Jewish but fell away from the faith and all belief in God as a teen. Highly gifted, Stein grew up to obtain her doctorate in...
9 Great Literary Quotes That Reveal The Beauty Of Friendship
Friendship, especially in our busy modern age, can be overlooked as a nice addition to life, but not necessarily as an important priority. But friendships are important. They are how we learn to choose to love, share, and give. They are how we learn to accept love...
11 Quotes From Saint Philip Neri That You Need To Read This Feast Day!
Today the Church celebrates the Feast Day of St. Philip Neri, who was born in Rome in 1515 and died in 1595 on 26th May. He was a priest and was the founder of the Oratorians. He is well known for his humor, his gifted spiritual direction, and his habit of making a...
12 “Pope Quotes” To Reflect On As We Approach Mid-Lent
So, we’re approaching the midpoint of Lent! How is it going for you so far?! No matter how you feel you’re doing, this is a good time to pause and reflect on what has happened so far and to remind yourself of the purpose of this important time. To help you, we’ve...
25 Pope Francis Quotes To Live Out
2016 was a busy year for Pope Francis and he has hardly slowed down in the first month of the new year! The past year in the Church was graced with love and mercy, much needed in our world today. World Youth Day events and the canonization of new saints (especially...
15 Of St. Pope John Paul II’s Most Inspirational Quotes
Pope St. John Paul II is rightly nicknamed John Paul the Great because of his tremendous impact on so many spheres of our life and on world history. Not only will he be remembered as the Pope who traveled more than any of his predecessors, but his legacy also includes...
17 Movie Quotes Catholics Will Appreciate
Everyone loves a good movie. And the best ones are the ones that you learn from, even when you don’t realise it. Have you ever seen a movie that just stays with you for days after? You might not be able to put your finger on what it was, but something about the movie,...
3 Quotes to Help You When You Feel the World is Falling Apart Around You
Let's talk about the world again. If your summer has been anything like mine, it's probably been a summer of intense political debate, on both sides of the pond. And let's not forget the horrendous plight of the parts of the world that are so regularly suffering...
24 Bible Quotes For When You Need To Find Peace In Your Life
St. Paul writes Hebrews that ‘the word of God is alive and active’ (Hebrews 4:12) and this is still true even in our darkest moments of pain and confusion. The Bible can provide us the answers and the comfort that we are seeking. Whatever you are going through, if you...
The Saints’ Secret To Attaining Holiness? Devotion To Mary!
Though there may not be a perfect formula for obtaining the holiness required to become a Saint, there are a few common characteristics that many of the Saints seem to share. As you study the lives of the Saints, it becomes very clear that most had a true...
QUIZ: Quotes From The Saints
I'm one of those Catholics who is obsessed with Saint quotes. I have them scribbled on my planner, saved as the background on the my phone, and written in my Bible. I love to listen to the wisdom of the Saints and learn from their experiences because I know that...
Love Will Always Conquer The Hearts Of Men | Saint Titus Brandsma Quote
"We live in a world where love itself is condemned: people call it weakness, something to grow out of. Some are saying: «Love is of no importance, we should rather develop our strength; let each one become as strong as he can and let the weak perish!» Again, they say...
Let Your Prayer Be Entirely Simple | St. John Climacus Quote
“Let your prayer be entirely simple. One word was enough for the publican and for the prodigal son to obtain God’s forgiveness (cf. Lk 15,21)… No pretentiousness in the words of your prayers; how often it is that the simple and unadorned stammerings of children sway...
What Does It Mean To Be Cheerful? | Archbishop Fulton Sheen Quote
“The cheerful person always sees in any present evil some prospective good; in pain he sees a Cross from which will issue a Resurrection; in trial, he finds correction and discipline and an opportunity to grow in wisdom; in sorrow, he gathers patience and resignation...
10 Great Quotes To Help You Reflect On The True Meaning Of Christmas
Sometimes it can feel as though we live two separate Christmas experiences. One is an endless round of parties, presents, food and socializing, the bright lights, late nights and overindulging at the forefront. The other Christmas experience is the truth and beauty of...
10 Classic Movies That All Catholics Should See
There are a lot of good movies out there, with high production quality and deep messages, though perhaps not as many as we would like. Once in a while, a film will come along that manages to introduce us to key aspects of the Catholic faith, allowing us to glimpse...
Man Does Not Have Confidence In God | Fr Jacques Philippe Quote
Our great drama is this: Man does not have confidence in God. Hence he looks in every possible place to extricate himself by his own resources and renders himself terribly unhappy in the process rather than abandon himself into the tender and saving hands of his...
10 Best Quotes About Family Life From The Popes
"What can a Pope teach me about family and married life?" This is a remark I frequently hear from those who have not read any of the Papal teachings on family. Some of the most insightful advice and life changing words of wisdom on marriage have come to me through...
10 Quotes On The Eucharist From Fathers Of The Church
It can be said that there is a yearning for something - an object, a certain food or a drink - that is capable of giving us eternal life or eternal youth. It is rooted in the deepest recesses of the human heart. This desire has always been present; in the oldest...