In a world that demands grit and guts, men are called upon to lead, not just in their workplaces but also within their homes. It's a journey laden with challenges and triumphs. Qualities like integrity, communication, and adaptability are more than soft skills....
An Answer To The Most Asked Question In Human History
The Most Universal Question in Human History The most universally asked question in human history is “What is the meaning of life?” Other ways to phrase this question might be: “Why am I here?” or “What is my purpose?” Still,...
The What, How, And Why For Catholic Leaders | Episode 3
Have you spent time thinking about why you exist, what your purpose is, and the unique mission you have been called to? Start With Why Simon Sinek's principle, TED Talk, and book Start With Why challenges what drives our decisions as organizations and...
Dr. Martin Luther King’s Advice For Designing Your Life’s Blueprint
In this video, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr gives some exceptional advice on how to create a blueprint for your life. "The end of life is not to be happy, nor to achieve pleasure and avoid pain, but to do the will of God, come what may." - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. How...
Uniquely Loved By The Lord: Are You Allowing Him To Gaze Upon You?
In this Lenten series, Father Ian VanHeusen presents his weekly spiritual exercise based on the Sunday Readings to help us grow in our relationship with the Lord. What is a Spiritual Exercise, you ask? St. Ignatius of Loyola writes, “By the term “Spiritual Exercises”...
Is There More To Life Than Your #Goals?
Life is never stagnant. It moves us, even without our consent. But where are you going? What are you looking for? This video brings these questions, deeply rooted in our hearts, again to the surface. This video reminded me of the countless times in my life where I...
The World’s Search For Meaning…
Today’s video is based on a poem written by a North American writer, Charles Bukowski called “Nirvana.” The poem tells the story of a young man riding a bus through North Carolina on the “way to somewhere.” He is “cut loose from purpose” and lives a sort of aimless...