There has been a post circulating around Facebook and other places which begins “I’m not pro-murdering babies.” The post then presents various circumstances in which an abortion could be justified, in the view of the author. The problems with the post and many and...
People Are People, Not Choices…Right?
Every action has consequences. It’s not always a matter of weighing the pros and cons because some choices we consider have a con that should alert us to not look further into the pros. Yet, we still do, trying to justify our actions, our choices. Here in this...
A Lullaby For The Unborn On The Day Of Prayer
January 22 marks the Day of Prayer for the Protection of Unborn Children. With over 60 million innocent lives lost to abortion in the United States since 1973, it is essential that we lift up our voices in prayer for an end to this atrocity. Today, take a moment to...
4 Key Points For Having Pro-Life Conversations
The topic of abortion is present in the media, and as a result, we may be confronted with some heated conversations in our day-to-day life. So, how do we respectfully engage someone in pro-life conversations? There are four key points that Fr. Michael Niemczak breaks...
A Powerful Testimony On Forgiveness After Abortion
It is easy to think of abortion abstractly. It is talked about in association with laws and legal agendas. It is easy to forget that there are real people, real lives that are in the midst of these "hot topic" debates. Both the lives of unborn babies and the lives of...
Outrageous! She Claims The World Is Better Without Blue Haired People
What are your thoughts about people with blue hair? Do they deserve to be here? Would the world just be a little more perfect without them? We can't believe that she said this, but we're hoping it causes people to think. Blue Hair Thank you, Laura Klassen and...
5 Lies Abortion Tells Us When It Is Legal
Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen writes in Life Worth Living, “Nothing ever happens in the world that does not first happen inside human hearts.” Abortion is here because first in society’s hearts we’ve accepted lies and now we are propagating those lies to future...
“We Are the Pro-life Generation” – And Here’s How We’re Proving It!
You probably won't hear about it on the news, but hundreds of thousands of pro-life warriors will travel to Washington, D.C. on January 18th for the March for Life. People of all ages and backgrounds will unite to stand for life and promote the 2019 theme, "Unique...
World Down Syndrome Day: Why It Matters
Throughout the Bible, God often chooses the most lowly people and the most humble places for the greatest of miracles. God chose David, the weak shepherd boy, to slay the monstrous Philistine, Goliath. God chose Moses, who was born a slave, to lead the Israelites...
Kylie Jenner’s Record Breaking Baby Reveal Reveals More Than Just The Baby’s Name
Kylie Jenner, 20 year-old member of the Kardashian family, posted a picture of her newborn daughter on Instagram and the "picture has been liked over 11 million times in just a few hours - making it one of Instagram's most popular posts ever." At the time of writing...
The Business Of Abortion “Blood Money”
"Blood Money" is a documentary that exposes the truth behind the Abortion Industry from the Pro-Life perspective. This film examines the culture of death in America, from the inception of Planned Parenthood and the profitability of abortion clinics to the denial of...
5 Irrefutable Arguments in Defense of Life
Human life begins at the moment of conception; this is a scientific fact. Twenty-three chromosomes respectively from the mother and father unite in this moment to create a new being with 46 chromosomes, with unique characteristics and an unrepeatable history in...
Abortion, Euthanasia, Pornography, Violence… They All Start With a Gaze (Symbolic Video)
It's easy to criticize the crimes and tragedies of the world. They are there for all to see. But where do they begin? Each one started with an interior decision, a moment in which the person decided to look at reality differently. Things seem innocent, harmless enough...
“I killed a human being.” – A Mother Reflects On Her Abortion
When I found this video, I couldn’t help but be impressed. The first thing that I thought about was the courage of this young girl, the pain in her eyes, and the directness and clarity with which she conveyed her message. It is a message that, I believe, will save...
Abortion: A Modern day Massacre of the Innocents
During this octave of Christmas, the Church celebrates the memory of the small children of the neighborhood of Bethlehem put to death by Herod. Sacrificed by a wicked monarch, these innocent lives bear witness to Christ who was persecuted from the time of His birth by...