There has been a post circulating around Facebook and other places which begins “I’m not pro-murdering babies.” The post then presents various circumstances in which an abortion could be justified, in the view of the author. The problems with the post and many and...
People Are People, Not Choices…Right?
Every action has consequences. It’s not always a matter of weighing the pros and cons because some choices we consider have a con that should alert us to not look further into the pros. Yet, we still do, trying to justify our actions, our choices. Here in this...
A Lullaby For The Unborn On The Day Of Prayer
January 22 marks the Day of Prayer for the Protection of Unborn Children. With over 60 million innocent lives lost to abortion in the United States since 1973, it is essential that we lift up our voices in prayer for an end to this atrocity. Today, take a moment to...