Almost everyone in the Catholic world has heard of 40 Days for Life, but have you heard of Heroic Media? How about the John Paul II Life Center?Sundays for Life? Sidewalk Advocates for Life? There are so many awesome pro-life organizations working for the most...
People With Down Syndrome Are Applying To Be On The Endangered List
The Canadian Down Syndrome Society has created this powerful video to raise awareness and they need your help in making it go viral. "By the International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s own criteria, the Down syndrome community qualifies as endangered in many...
Pro-Lifers: Contraception Isn’t The Answer You’re Looking For
Some pro-lifers believe contraceptives are a necessary tool for helping prevent abortions. To many, it seems logical. Contraceptives prevent unwanted pregnancies. No unwanted pregnancies mean no abortions. Therefore, many people believe contraception is the answer to...
Pro-Choice Or Anti-Difference: Why Is Offering Another Choice Seen As An Act Of War?
The leafy street in the regional Australian town of Albury, housing the local abortion clinic, is a picturesque one. And, until very recently, it was normal to see a group of people praying on the pavement on a Thursday morning, Rosary beads in hand. One or two...
7 Ways You Can Still Support The Pro-Life Movement In A Culture Of Death
Our current culture is moving further and further from a pro-life outlook where every life is equal in dignity to one that considers that not all lives are created equal. For those of us who recognize the inherent dignity in every life, this is a sobering and...
3 Poems to Reflect on as Ireland Votes on Its Abortion Laws
As many of us already know, Ireland votes today to decide whether to keep its relatively strict abortion laws- which currently make it very difficult to have an abortion - to change them in favor of abortion on demand. There are so many well-documented reasons why...
A Must-See Video For Husbands Whose Wives Find Mother’s Day Difficult
Though I'm blessed with five amazing children here with me on earth, I also have four beautiful children in heaven. The sting of our miscarriages is still present in my heart. So, I was hesitant to watch this video when I saw the title, but I'm so glad that I...
Does The New Thriller “A Quiet Place” Have A Message For Catholics? (SPOILERS)
“A Quiet Place” is one of the best movies I have ever seen. I am a big fan of the horror genre, for the most part (the good ones). And A Quiet Place is certainly classified as a horror movie, officially. But it is more genre-bending than most horror movies. In...
World Down Syndrome Day: Why It Matters
Throughout the Bible, God often chooses the most lowly people and the most humble places for the greatest of miracles. God chose David, the weak shepherd boy, to slay the monstrous Philistine, Goliath. God chose Moses, who was born a slave, to lead the Israelites...
Kylie Jenner’s Record Breaking Baby Reveal Reveals More Than Just The Baby’s Name
Kylie Jenner, 20 year-old member of the Kardashian family, posted a picture of her newborn daughter on Instagram and the "picture has been liked over 11 million times in just a few hours - making it one of Instagram's most popular posts ever." At the time of writing...
Don’t Miss One Of The Best Pro-Life Videos Ever Made: “Aaron”
It’s a thought that haunts the waking hours of many post-abortive women: “What if my child were still alive?” Produced by the American Family Studio, today's video makes it clear that "Abortion is not just about the child, it is also about the mother – there...
The Business Of Abortion “Blood Money”
"Blood Money" is a documentary that exposes the truth behind the Abortion Industry from the Pro-Life perspective. This film examines the culture of death in America, from the inception of Planned Parenthood and the profitability of abortion clinics to the denial of...
Pro-Life, Female Millennials: Beyond Political Affiliations
What does being pro-life mean to you? In a short video released by America Magazine and The Culture Project, seven millennial women from all sides of the political spectrum go beyond the bumper sticker slogans and describe what being pro-life means to them. The video...
Why Legalizing Euthanasia And Assisted Suicide Is A Bad Idea
Brian Holdsworth is a young Catholic, self-described as a "creative professional and struggling thinker" who "makes videos on topics that [he] finds interesting." He recently made a video on Euthanasia and Assisted suicide, which we share here. As you can imagine, it...
They Decided To Carry A Terminally Ill Baby Full Term So That Her Life Could Save Many
"You can be the most pro-life person in the world, but until you sit there and you... you hear those words and you look at your future going forward, that's when you have got to face the reality and make your own decision.” - Royce Young Those are the powerful words...
5 Themes from “This is Us” That You Should Be Discussing
This is Us, a hit television series, has a unique comedy-drama story line that has captured the hearts of millions of viewers. I'm not typically one who gets drawn into television shows, but something about this one has captivated me. Because of its popularity, it can...
A Teen’s Response To Teen Vogue’s “Abortion Gift Guide”
In sitting down to write on this video, I am more aware than I have ever been of how little there is to add to the excellent and well-reasoned words of 16-year-old Autumn from All I can say is, go, go and watch the video for yourself! Still, I...
Actor David Henrie Married to Catholic, Pro-Life, Chastity Speaker Maria Cahill
Update - David Henrie married Maria Cahill on April 21st, 2017! Enjoy reading the story of their engagement! We don't do much celebrity gossip reporting here at Catholic-Link, but here's one love story worth covering. David Henrie has been a familiar face to many...
No, NFP Is NOT “Catholic Birth Control”
If the pope had his own grocery store, the aisle labelled “family planning” wouldn't contain pills or condoms or other contraceptives like most do. It would contain thermometers and charts. Likewise, if the pope was a doctor, he wouldn’t prescribe contraceptives to...
Quiz – Who Should Catholics Vote For in the 2016 USA Election?
There is no denying that this election has most Catholics perplexed. Neither candidate is an ideal choice to lead the people of the United States of America and despicable behavior has been displayed by both sides. It is difficult to envision our Nation in the hands...
The Most Beautiful Recitation Of Psalm 139 That You Will Ever Hear
Courtney Baker is a courageous mother who not only chose life for her daughter, Emersyn Faith, but also answered the call to let the specialist know that she is more than happy that she did not succumb to the pressure to abort her baby just because of a prenatal...
They Were Pro-Choice…Then They Saw This Video
Have you ever accepted something as truth and after coming to a better understanding of the issue, changed your mind? It happens with little things in day to day life all the time, but occasionally it happens with the bigger issues too. I remember a time when I would...
The 5 Best Things About Being Catholic (IMHO)
Have you ever noticed that people tend to enjoy talking more about the negatives than the positives? We seem to find some kind of enjoyment in pointing out the errors and faults in things. We love making suggestions about what we would improve or do differently to...
How Does Abortion Look Through The Eyes Of A Child? Touching Responses
What do I think about abortion? I’ve asked myself this question many times...As Catholics we know it’s wrong, but what do we really know about it beyond that and do we truly understand why it’s wrong? I’ve found many people who consider themselves Catholic...
Do We Treat The Elderly Like Our Junk Mail?
What do you do on the weekends? Host a party? Play a sport? Visit friends while you take a road trip? You’d probably never guess how Mary spends her weekends. Watch the video below to find out. If you want to spend your weekend like Mary, first get your junk mail....