Headlines can be rough—another disaster, political hustle, crisis… but a very recent one recently that set a much different tone. A pro-life song by an eighteen-year-old country singer, Rachel Holt, has been rising on the charts. In fact, this is her first single...
24 Pro-Life Movies To Watch
As the current modern culture inundates us with entertainment that degrades the human person in a wide variety of ways, it is more important than ever to spend time on entertainment that reinforces our pro-life values as Catholics. 24 Pro-Life Movies to...
24 Pro-life Books To Read
The culture of death which is constantly pressing in upon us as Catholics, can feel threatening and be overwhelming. It is important to fortify ourselves with good entertainment in order to prepare us to push back against this terrible culture and it is even...
This New Pro-Life Resource Is Making An Impact On College Campuses
As the Dobbs v. Jackson decision promptly put to rest the misguided decisions in both Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, faithful men and women across the United States must ready themselves to support and defend life at their state and local levels. FOCUS...
Five Ways Catholics Can Live Out Pro-Life Values
Many people never thought they would live to see the day when Roe v Wade was overturned. This historical decision, while very praiseworthy, comes with a call to action. There is no better time than now to renew our commitment to protect and cherish life at all stages,...
End Of Life Issues With Fr. Jeff Kirby
End of life questions are some of the hot topic issues of the Faith. Fr. Jeff Kirby talks about the intricacies of these issues and how to navigate them.
What Every Man Owes To Women In A Post-Roe World
Are you a man unsure of your place in the discussion surrounding reproductive rights? Do you feel like abortion and contraception are women’s issues and that you have no right to speak about other peoples’ bodies? Do you think that perhaps the best thing a man can do...
Roe v. Wade Overturned: Now The Hard Work Begins
There is a lot to say and a tremendous amount of apologetic materials to discuss the issue of abortion. However, the gravity of today requires some comment. The Supreme Court has Aborted Roe v. Wade Today, June 24, 2022 is the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus....
Pro-Life Strategy: Keep Focused, Stay On Target, Stick To The High Road
On May 2, a friend texted me a news alert claiming that a leaked draft opinion from the Supreme Court showed that a majority of justices were prepared to overturn the infamous 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that created a national entitlement to abortion. I’ll admit that...
I’m Personally Pro-Life, But Who Am I To Impose My Beliefs On Others?
Abortion Is Always Wrong. Here’s Why…
Abortion is Offensive to Human Dignity The worst offense against human dignity today is the scourge of abortion. It leaves at least five victims, in various senses of the word: the mother, the father, the child, and the...
What Does The Leaked Supreme Court Opinion Mean For The Pro-Life Movement?
On Monday evening, Americans were stunned to learn that a first draft of the majority opinion in the Supreme Court case Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization had been leaked to the public via Politico. The news was stunning for two reasons: first, because such...
21 People Who Prove That A Life With Down Syndrome Is Worth Living
It's hard to believe that some people actually feel those with Down Syndrome are not as valuable as other people. There was never a doubt in my mind that those with special needs were just as human as the rest of us. Perhaps it was the kindness of my parents, the...
How To Pray A Pro-life Rosary
While praying the rosary, offer each mystery and meditate on these short introductory prayers based on the fruits of each mystery with a pro-life focus. https://catholic-link.org/pray-rosary-visual-guide/ Pro-life Reflections For The Glorious Mysteries...
How To Pray For The Unborn
Not only is January the start of a new year, but it is also the perfect month to remind us to pray for the unborn who are at the start of their new life, where we all began our own lives. Furthermore, the traditional devotion for January is the Holy Name of Jesus and...
Three Reasons Why Roe v. Wade Is Doomed
This article is written by guest author Camille Pauley, President of Healing the Culture. Perhaps you’ve heard the adage: “You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.” That phrase,...
Litany Of The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother Of Life
The demands on the lives of couples who practice natural family planning can seem very overwhelming at times. Every Catholic couple who is serious enough about their love for our Lord to follow the Church’s teaching on contraception understands this...
What Was Said At The National Catholic Prayer Breakfast In Washington, DC?
Jeff Cavins, Catholic Bible evangelist, and Most Reverend Steven J. Lopes the Bishop of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter had the opportunity to share some words of wisdom at the 2021 National Catholic Prayer Breakfast (NCPB) that was held on...
“I’m Not Pro-Murdering Babies”: Resources For A Catholic Response To Abortion
There has been a post circulating around Facebook and other places which begins “I’m not pro-murdering babies.” The post then presents various circumstances in which an abortion could be justified, in the view of the author. The problems with the post and many and...
How Catholic Schools Can Create A Pro-life Culture
Creating a pro-life culture is not simply putting up posters during pro-life week or sending a few students to the March for Life. Those things are good, but if that’s all you do, it’s like putting a band-aid on an issue that’s literally life or death and saying,...
20 Things To Remember When Having A Conversation About Abortion
We often enter conversations carelessly and find ourselves in an argument rather than a real conversation. For extremely controversial topics, such as abortion, conversation is possible—if we remember to speak to others like Jesus would to us. I’ve recently heard...
Can’t Go To The March For Life? 6 Things You Can Do To Stand For Life From Home
This promotional film for the March for Life produced by Blackstone Films is sure to build your passion and enthusiasm for the annual event held in Washington, D.C. each year near the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade. This year, due to the pandemic, the March for Life...
Want To Be Pro-life? Stop Doing These 10 Things!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fKCir5oFuU There are many things you can do every day to respect life from conception until natural death—pray, participate in a pro-life organization, volunteer at pregnancy centers, love your family exceptionally, visit hospices,...
The Love You’re Looking For
In this video, we see the love of a mother for her son, and the impact her son has on her life and the lives of many others. This impact isn't huge or dramatic, but hope given in hard times, or a smile offered at just the right time. You can tell that the mother...
The Incredible Story Of A Pro-life Woman
What does it mean to be pro-life? It's more than prayers. It's even more than marching in Washington D.C. and standing outside abortion clinics. If you really want to understand what it means to be pro-life, watch the incredibly beautiful story of Connie McEldowney....