Paulist Productions’ new film Hollywood Priest: The Story of Father Bud Kieser will be premiering on PBS World on Christmas Day at 5 am EST, 2 am PST, 11 am EST and 8 am PST. This charming, nostalgic holiday film tells the story of Fr. Ellwood “Bud” Kieser. Watch the...
Synod on Synodality with Fr. Rob
In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast. Fr. Rob and Fr. George discuss the Synod on Synodality and how we ought to be governed. Right now, the Church engages in the second phase of the Synod on Synodality. There are three works of the Church in our world:...
How To Support Your Priest
How you support your priest depends on how well you know your priest. There are, of course, things priests universally or generally appreciate—like prayers or a mug that says “Don’t make me put you in one of my homilies”—but as lay people, we have a responsibility to...
This Is Why You Should Pray For Your Priest
For many people, the priest is the one whom people go to for their spiritual needs, for prayer requests, for Mass offerings, and other sacraments. Have you ever wondered how a priest is sustained spiritually for the work they do? Should we be praying for a priest as...
Loneliness and Christmas with Fr. Rob
In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast, Fr. Rob and Fr. George Elliot discuss how the Christmas season can be a lonely time for a lot of people. Firstly, priests may experience a particular loneliness when they celebrate multiple liturgies in a short time, and...
This Is What A Catholic Priest Of 50 Years Wants Today’s New Priests To Know
Fifty years is a lifetime for most people. Fifty years in the same profession is almost incomprehensible in the modern age. Priesthood, however, is not a career. It is a vocation, and one that a priest takes seriously. As a lifelong commitment, it is akin to marriage,...
What Happens When A Person Is Blessed By A Priest? 5 Spiritual & Temporal Benefits
Sacramentals are powerful sacred signs and an indispensable means of grace. Through them, the liberation from evil and the healing of sicknesses (including psychological disorders) can occur and conversions may happen. Sacramentals can help to overcome multiple...
Disagree With Your Priest? Here’s How To Respond
One of the best and most challenging aspects of the Church is that it is composed entirely of humans, who are flawed and fallible, with their own perspectives, experiences, strengths, and weaknesses. As a result, disagreements between individuals can arise, and this...
How To Find A Christmas Gift For Your Priest
Question: What do you give to the one who has everything, needs nothing, and always gives more than he gets? Answer: That One can only be God. For everyone else, we should give whatever helps lead a person to God. It may be that Christmas is being corrupted with...
Why Was This Priest Known As “Our Lady’s Dolphin”?
I once received a message from a brother priest I had never met but who followed me on social media. He told me that he was in- interested in incorporating Mary more into his priestly ministry and asked for a recommendation. I recommended Fr. Emile Neubert’s Mary and...
Just Don’t Ask Me To Be A Sister Or A Priest! | Encouragement For The Reluctant Discerner
God, I’ll do anything you want, just don’t ask me to be a Sister (or a Priest)! That was the first thing both of us thought when we found ourselves pursuing God’s plan for our lives. We were ready to do something radical and bring Christ’s love to a needy world, but...
7 Things Not To Say To Someone Discerning A Religious Vocation
Open foot, insert mouth. Wait. I mean the other way around. Fr. Michael Zimmerman here, assistant director at Vocations Boston. I’ve probably said a few items on this list myself, and I’ve been on the receiving end of far more, but how can we actually encourage...
How To Be A Better Person In The New Year
You can ask that this year is better or you can pray that it’s better, but you should also prepare for it to be better. It’s okay if you didn’t come out stronger from everything you may have gone through, but now is the time to make positive New Year's resolutions....
We’ll Be Home For Christmas: 3 Things Parishes Can Do This Christmas And New Year
Do you remember this past Lent, when we all had that “can-do” spirit to celebrate Holy Week and Easter in the best way possible given our lockdown reality? The bursts of creativity, the flurry of activity on social media, the daily Zoom lessons we learned. ...
Ask A Priest With Fr. George Elliott | Divine Humility
If you missed Ask a Priest Live with Fr. George Elliott, you can watch the replay here. Each Sunday at 3:00 PM Central, I go live on the Catholic-Link Facebook page. I will start with the Divine Mercy Chaplet, then provide a quick reflection on the Sunday readings,...
How One Priest’s Doubt Led To The Feast Of Corpus Christi
A Priest in Doubt A German priest named Fr. Peter of Prague was struggling with his faith in the Most Holy Eucharist. He saw around him a lack of interest on the part of the laity, a general immorality and laziness of the clergy, and a lack of reverence for the Sacred...
Three Thoughts From A Priest About Quarantine
You are missed. In his magnificent biography of Saint John Paul II, George Weigel writes that to Father Karol Wojtyła, “a priest without a parish was a vocational absurdity.” A priest is ordained to be a man for others, “to go from men to God and offer Him their...
The Modern Liturgical Battle Brewing Among Catholics
Context of the Catholic Controversy In the Latin Rite of the Catholic Church, there is a liturgical battle brewing between two allowed postures of the priest: ad orientem and versus populum. The Catholic Church, in both the East and the West, for the vast majority of...
The Most Influential Priest In American History? It’s Possible…
Father Theodore Hesburgh is best known for his role as president of the prestigious University of Notre Dame over the course of 35 years from 1952-1987, but his role in the culture of America during some of the country’s most tumultuous times is what he will be...
Video Of Fr. Michael’s Hospital Ordination & Photo Of His First Mass!
The Congregation of the Sons of Divine Providence in Poland are asking for your prayers for the newly ordained, Fr. Michael. Perhaps you've seen the now viral video and photos that show the ordination of Fr. Michael Los that took place in a hospital. Just over a month...
What Can YOU Do When Scandal Strikes The Church (Again)
The Church is in the midst of multiple crises. The sex abuse scandal reemerging, around the globe, has shown that while great progress has been made, there is much work to do and much justice left unpursued. There are countless victims of abuse who have not felt...
How To Have The Most Dynamic Liturgy This Christmas | Part 2
Whether you’re a regular Mass-goer, or you attend Church once a year at Christmas, chances are high that you have come across a liturgy that either had a boring homily or painful music. If not these, then perhaps you have witnessed a priest introduce liturgical...
This Rapidly Growing Order Of Priests Just Launched An Incredible Digital Library
Fr. Ambrose, Director of the Norbertine Father's Novices, has witnessed several young men hear and answer the call to a priestly vocation with the Norbertines. Currently, there are thirty-eight seminarians living at St. Michael's Abbey with two more on the waiting...
Five Tips For Getting Involved In Your College’s Catholic Ministry
I remember when I first got involved with the Catholic Campus Ministry at William Paterson University. I was nervous. New people. A new atmosphere. A new priest. Sure, the faith was the same, but the way of doing things was different. I was involved in trying to form...
From Seminarian To Plumber: How One Priest Is Serving America’s Poor
When we hear Bible words like “salvation”, “redemption”, and “covenant”, it can be easy to file them away as relics from another time and place that don't actually affect us anymore. It is easy to forget that these religious words really do mean something for us here...