Paul VI: A papal diplomat who concluded and implemented the Second Vatican Council. In this episode of Habemus Papam, Fr. Conrad discusses Pope Saint Paul VI, who succeeded John XXIII: A “caretaker pope” who surprises the world and calls the Second Vatican Council....
Pope Paul VI
Lector and Acolyte Ministries with Fr. Rob
In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast, Fr. Rob talks about the ministries of lector and acolyte as seen through Paul VI's Motu Proprio, Ministeria Quaedam and Francis’ Spiritus Domini. In the past, these roles were understood as minor orders, leading up to the...
50 Years Ago A Pope Predicted That Because Of Birth Control These Things Would Happen
In July of 1968, fifty years ago, Pope Paul VI issued his watershed encyclical condemning birth control, Humanae Vitae. Its central premise speaks, authoritatively, the beautiful truth that sexual act reaches its fullness when it fosters conjugal intimacy, is open to...
3 Times Pope Paul VI Was Accurate In His Controversial Encyclical Humane Vitae
Pope Paul VI wrote a controversial and prophetic encyclical: Humanae Vitae. Let's take a look a number 17 of the document (written in 1968) which "prophesies" what the consequences would be in society embraced the contraceptive lifestyle. Below you will find an...
A Closer Look At Of Our 7 Newer Saints
Pope Francis has canonized several new saints are Pope Paul VI, Archbishop Oscar Romero, Father Vincenzo Romano, Sister Nazaria Ignacia de Santa Teresa de Jesús March Mesa, Father Francesco Spinelli, Sister Maria Katharina Kasper, and Nunzio Sulprizio. Let’s take a...
Why Is St. Pope Paul VI Called “The Pilgrim Pope”?
As we celebrate and rejoice over the canonization of Pope Paul VI, we would like to share a few videos as well as a section of an interview from Catholic News Agency with Cardinal Roger Etchegaray who knew St. Pope Paul VI very well. “The name Paul was chosen after...
Just Announced: Blessed Pope Paul VI And Blessed Oscar Romero To Be Saints!
Blessed Pope Paul VI and Blessed Oscar Romero will be canonized. Many expect this will take place in October at the Synod of Bishops. Find out more in this video! [video width="852" height="480"...