I love to travel, and the more exciting the place, the better. But my experience in Calcutta, India, pushed my limits even as an experienced traveler. And yet, it was there that I discovered Jesus' presence through Adoration and its essential role in serving...
A Heart For The Poor
The following is an excerpt from The Father: 30 Meditations to Draw You Into the Heart of God. One of the rules of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal is to live in an area noted for the poverty. If a neighborhood’s economic status improves too much—that is, becomes...
What Did Pope Pius X Contribute To The Catholic Church?
Who Was Pope St. Pius X? Born in 1835 in Venice, Guiseppe Melchiorre Sarto was pope from 1903 to 1914 under the name Pius X. He was a staunch defender of the truth, a liturgical reformer, and a man of great faith. Pope St. Pius X is well known globally for his...
How Will We Know Disciples?
See the Poor | Liturgy Live 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
This week on the podcast we talk about needing to be present to the poor. In the first reading we talk about how the Prophet Amos was talking about the leaders in the temple were abusing the items meant for serving God and set aside for His worship. It shows that they...
How To Decide Where You Should Volunteer Your Time
Another year brings fresh New Year’s Resolution attempts. Back in 2016, I made a resolution to volunteer, but at the time I just didn’t know where I wanted to volunteer. I never felt God instantly calling me to any particular volunteer program. It took a period of...
From Seminarian To Plumber: How One Priest Is Serving America’s Poor
When we hear Bible words like “salvation”, “redemption”, and “covenant”, it can be easy to file them away as relics from another time and place that don't actually affect us anymore. It is easy to forget that these religious words really do mean something for us here...
Applying Catholic Social Teaching (Part 2)
If you missed Part 1 of this series, find it here! Gray Areas? The center of Catholic Social Teaching is the heart of Christ. Our love for the poor and a desire for true justice is at the heart of the Gospel. Over the course of history there have been hundreds...
This Video Clarifies The Responsibility Of EVERY Catholic
Today we present an incredible video produced by Spirit Juice Studios in partnership with Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit that inspires Catholics to "unleash the Gospel." The video is inspired by the words of wisdom from the pastoral letter written by the...
What Movie Critics Are Saying About “Pope Francis: A Man Of His Word”
Pope Francis has been known to go to great lengths to engage with the culture. For the first time in history, our Holy Father will star in a documentary, "Pope Francis: A Man Of His Word", which opens in theaters nationwide on May 18th. Award-winning German filmmaker...
An Inside Look At A Mission Trip To Mexico City
In early March, our group of 27 students and missionaries from the country embarked on a week-long Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS) Mission trip to Mexico City. As we piled off the bus at the city dump on our first day, no one was prepared for what...
How Giving Alms Gives Us More of Jesus: A Lenten Reflection
We all know Lent is a penitential time of the year. However, what often happens during Lent is that many of the penances we adopt revolve around fasting, abstinence and prayer. Some of us give up coffee, desserts or snacks, others take on spiritual practices like...
10 Ideas To Make Feeding The Hungry An Act Of Mercy
Recently, my parents and I were away for the weekend for vacation. When we walked into our house Sunday afternoon, it smelled horrible in our kitchen. There was a strange pool of liquid, and I saw pinkish-red splatter all over the sticky floor. While we stared at the...
What it Means to “Give Drink to the Thirsty” in the Year of Mercy
Remember the refreshing feel of that ice cold drink of water after you mowed the lawn or ran a marathon or woke up realizing you are thirsty beyond compare? At times, nothing else can really satisfy us like a glass of clear, pure, clean water. God has provided us the...
The Do’s And Don’ts When It Comes To Helping The Poor
We’re already halfway through the Year of Mercy, a time when the Church (that’s us!) is invited to discover God’s mercy for ourselves, as well as for those around us. Pope Francis has been very clear on the importance of this and has encouraged us to “assist others...
If the Vatican Has so Much Money, Why Doesn’t It…? 7 Things To Know About The Finances Of The Church
Like every good Catholic, surely you have had to explain the Pope, the Virginity of Mary, priestly celibacy, and refute the nonsense that appears in tabloids and on TV—which includes everything from claiming Jesus had children to conspiracy theories about the worldly...
What Happens When We Turn Our Backs On The Poor | Mother Teresa Quote
”The poor are thirsty for water but also for peace, truth and justice. The poor are naked and need clothing, but also need human dignity and compassion for those who sin. The poor have no shelter and need shelters made of bricks, but also of a joyful heart,...
How Do You Respond To the Homeless?
Have you ever given a homeless man money and wondered what he did with it? Have you ever stopped yourself from giving because of this hesitation? The idea that a homeless man or woman might be using your money for drugs, alcohol, or other things you wouldn’t want is...
“Man Enough?” Serving With Family Missions Company
Family Missions Company’s story begins almost 40 years ago, in the small southern town of Abbeville, Louisiana. Frank Summers, a young, successful attorney, and his beautiful wife Genie, an up and coming journalist, had achieved a great degree of financial and social...
Who Will Help The Freezing Homeless Child?
Back in 1990, Bergoglio (now Pope Francis) spoke to a group about the Christian life and the good Samaritan. The title of the text was based on Isaiah 58:7 “Do not disregard those of your own flesh”. The message is clear: you can’t pretend to live your faith if you...
Watch These 3 Students Surprise A Homeless Man
A challenge for any Catholic and any apostle is discovering what and how the big mysteries of faith, such as Christ's Incarnation, not only save us, but also should and can transform our daily life and vision. So, let's take give it a shot by taking a look at this...
What Is Your Motivation For Doing Good?
Why do we do good to others? Have you asked yourself? In today's video, a Thai insurance company offers us a commercial that invites us to seriously ask ourselves this question. Do I do good for the gratitude that I receive from others? Because doing it makes me...
“No act of kindness is meaningless before God.”
These two videos, produced by Life Vest Inside are “dedicated to spreading kindness and goodwill and are based upon the philosophy that kindness keeps the world afloat.” A Deeper Look: Today I would like to just leave you with a brief thought. It’s hard today to turn...