Easter: So, it is the Triduum…we have done well(ish) with Lent, but how to we celebrate Easter? Tune in and hear Fr. Rampino explain how the Gospel of St. John explains Easter. How we should live it out! Christ desires to bring us to the Father and save us. St. John...
Stations of the Cross with Fr. Rob
In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast, Fr. Rob and Fr. George Elliot discuss the Lenten devotion Stations of the Cross and how it can augment Lenten prayer. During this Holy Week, take the time to pray the Stations of the Cross and meditate on the final moments...
Repentance with Fr. Rob
In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast, Fr. Rob and Fr. George Elliot discuss repentance as a way of life. This means that repentance is a life long journey by which we are sorrowful to God for our actions and we are met with his mercy. Lent is the time of year...
Lent as Preparation for Heaven with Fr. Rob
In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast, Fr. Rob and Fr. George Elliot discuss a brief history of Lent. So, how we should not only think of Lent as a time for penance. But also think of Lent as a preparation in the Heavenly mysteries. Originally the 40 day fast...
Penance as Reparation for Sins with Fr. Rob
In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast, Fr. Rob and Fr. George Elliot discuss why, even after we've confessed our sins in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, it is encouraged to perform acts of penance as a means of repairing the broken relationship with God and...
Fasting During Advent with Fr. Rob
In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast, Fr. Rob and Fr. George Elliot discuss how the season of Advent is a preparation to celebrate the birth of Christ. One means of preparation for the Solemnity could be to practice fasting. Fr. Rob makes the distinction...
What Should You Do If You’ve Committed A Mortal Sin
What is Sin? “Sin” is an old archery term in Greek which means “to miss the mark.” All sin and fall short of the glory of God, as St. Paul says. When we sin, we are committing an offense against “reason, truth, and right conscience (CCC 1849).” Sin is never private....
Why Every Friday Is Like A Mini Good Friday
What is Good Friday? Good Friday is the second day of the Sacred Triduum, in between Holy Thursday and Easter Vigil. Good Friday is the commemoration of the passion and death of Jesus Christ on the cross at Calvary. It is always three days before Easter, which marks...
An Examination Of Conscience Illustrated Guide
An Illustrated Guide To Make An Examination Of Conscience 1. Open Yourself Up to God’s Presence Practical tip: find a quiet corner in your home or in a chapel. Having a sacred image in front of you is ideal. Light a candle. Take a few moments to breathe and relax....
Dear Father – I Confess, It’s Not You, It’s Me
Many Catholics are blessed to have a priest friend. Or, even if they’re not someone you consider your friend, you still may have that priest who you look up to. You know, the one you talk to every Sunday either before or after Mass. The one who has known you for years...
Why You Should Consider Giving Up Meat EVERY Friday
Growing up, I was regularly told that we were to abstain from meat on Fridays. So, when I moved to America a few years ago, I was surprised to hear many people tell me there was no longer a need for us to observe ‘meatless’ Fridays, as the Church had done away with...
7 Ways To Do Lent That Do Not Involve Food
If changing your diet or giving up some item of food is not possible for you this Lent, read on to find out seven creative and challenging ways that will allow you to still partake in Lent! 7 Ways To Do Lent That Don't Involve Food 1. Get Creative For God Paint a...
39 Things 18-39 Year-Olds Should Consider Giving Up For Lent
Pete Burak, director of i.d.916 gives a quick rundown of some creative ideas for young adults to think about giving up this Lent. The suggestions to give up eye-rolling, extra guac, and not finishing a book spoke directly to my heart! Which ideas will inspire...
11 Things That Happen When You Commit To Going To Confession Regularly
As Catholics, we are required to go to Confession once a year, but why stop there? We know Confession can be daunting or difficult, and there might be many reasons why you don’t want to go. However, regular Confession, whether it be monthly, every two weeks, or...
5 Ways To Make Ordinary Time Less Ordinary
Ordinary Time doesn’t have to be so ordinary. It can be just as prayerful, meaningful and productive as any of the liturgical times of the church year. The difference is, we have a lot more time to plan and accomplish things. Where do you start? Think about the things...
P90X For Catholics? Father Heilman’s “Nineveh 90” Challenge
When it comes to time, hard work and commitment, many of us are willing to push the envelope for the sake of our appearance. We'll resolve to hit the gym, join a fitness class, follow through on this or that workout resolution for the new year. And, in fairness,...
8 Encouraging Stories Of Confession That Will Inspire You To Visit The Sacrament
Confession can be scary. But it is always worth going to, no matter how we feel about it beforehand. The graces and mercy that flow from this Sacrament always conquer the fear and anxiety that we might feel. People will find a million reasons to avoid this gift....
A 7 Step Visual Guide For Going To Confession
If you’re thinking of going to Confession, but it has been a while, this post is for you. Going to Confession is never pleasant or enjoyable, but it is always worth it. However, it can feel so much worse if you’ve not been in years. Maybe it has been so long ago since...
6 Tips To Get You Through The Mid-Lent Slump
How is your Lent going?! Great, or not so great? Feeling like it is a long way to Holy Week? Has your Lent felt like a complete disaster so far? Are you feeling a bit sick of it all?! If your Lent has stalled- did you start with plans that were too much? Or did you...
How To Make Your Examination Of Conscience
In recent years, some have noted a widespread crisis in the Church regarding the practice of the examination of conscience. On the one hand, for many it has become a legalistic examination (basically putting oneself in the courtroom), done exclusively within the...
Why Do We Practice Fasting And Abstinence?An Illustrated Guide
Before we even start talking about fasting or abstinence, let's say something obvious: none of this makes sense outside the logic of faith. There are certainly psychological benefits and ways of explaining the cultural or social reasons for fasting and such, but...
This Excellent Video Will Help You Understand Confession
SophiaSketchPad.org has produced another excellent video that helps to understand and explain the sacrament of confession. If you go to their website they also offer viewing guides and other tools that can help to complete the learning experience. Sophia Sketchpad:...
15 Excuses To Not Go To Confession (Answered!)
Benedict XVI said: “There is a close link between holiness and the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The actual conversion of the heart, which is open to the transforming and renewing action of God, is the “engine” of all reform and translates into a truly evangelizing...
It’s Been A Long Time Since I’ve Confessed: Will I Be Forgiven?
Give me your fear and I´ll give you peace. This is the thought which came to my mind after having seen this beautiful video on the sacrament of reconciliation. We are all sinners, all of us need forgiveness, we have all felt in our hearts the weight of our faults and...
25 Simple Things You Can Do This Lent To Grow Closer To Christ
This week we will begin the Lenten season. It is a beautiful time to grow in closeness to God and to others. This time can, if we are willing to cooperate, be 40 days of immense spiritual and personal growth. While the specific penances we choose are not...