How you support your priest depends on how well you know your priest. There are, of course, things priests universally or generally appreciate—like prayers or a mug that says “Don’t make me put you in one of my homilies”—but as lay people, we have a responsibility to...
Encouraging Our Priests with Fr. Rob
In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast. Fr. Rob and Fr. George discuss the need to encourage our priests. They also discuss how to approach a parish priest about difficult or confusing situations in the parish. They offer a reminder that priests studied the...
Stations of the Cross with Fr. Rob
In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast, Fr. Rob and Fr. George Elliot discuss the Lenten devotion Stations of the Cross and how it can augment Lenten prayer. During this Holy Week, take the time to pray the Stations of the Cross and meditate on the final moments...
Cultivating Community: 6 Elements Of Peak Communication
The longing for genuine connection and community has never been more pronounced. Building and nurturing community is an essential endeavor in response to Christ’s call to discipleship. The quality of a community is reflected in the quality of...
6 Essential Ways To Engage Catholic Young Adults In 2023
The Catholic young adults of today can often feel alone and excluded from many parish activities. What can we do to meet their needs and ensure they grow spiritually in their Catholic faith? Below you'll find six suggestions that have proven to be successful in the...
Be Mindful Of Those Who Feel Isolated In Your Parish
Gospel of Luke 19:1-10 At that time, Jesus came to Jericho and intended to pass through the town.Now a man there named Zacchaeus,who was a chief tax collector and also a wealthy man,was seeking to see who Jesus was;but he could not see him because of the crowd,for he...
We’ll Be Home For Christmas: 3 Things Parishes Can Do This Christmas And New Year
Do you remember this past Lent, when we all had that “can-do” spirit to celebrate Holy Week and Easter in the best way possible given our lockdown reality? The bursts of creativity, the flurry of activity on social media, the daily Zoom lessons we learned. ...
Digital Tool Changing The Way Catholics Engage With The Church
You open up your phone. Your newest email has new Catholic articles from around the country, an incredible story from someone at a neighboring parish, and a new event in your diocese that feels like it’s right up your alley. Everything you see is both relevant to...
A Seminarian Shares 5 Ways To Support Your Parish Seminarian
Summer months allow for seminarians to spend time in parishes and embrace pastoral and apostolic work more readily. Many priests recall lasting, grace-filled lessons, friendships, and memories that began on summer assignments or in home parishes as seminarians.As...
The Video Every Person Involved In Catholic Church Ministry Should Watch
This is an excellent video produced by the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City that helps to explain the process of evangelization and catechesis. Those involved in any type of church ministry within the Catholic faith should take a minute to watch it. If you’ve been around...
7 Things You Can Do To Get More Out Of Mass
Habits and routines form and shape our experiences and our lives. These habits will help you make going to Mass more than a habit. Going to Mass is the ultimate form of prayer and should be a spiritual encounter with Christ. I invite you to reconsider your Mass...
What One Priest Told Me About The Mass That Still Gives Me Goosebumps
There are certain, obvious parts of the Mass that become more automatic touchstones ... easier, in a sense, for us to focus on or re-focus from. For instance, we can read along in our missals during the Liturgy of the Word—a natural way to engage. And at the...
How to Love Your Pastor Even When You Don’t “Like” Him
First of all, before we get started, let’s make some things clear. This is NOT a post about priest-bashing. It is our priests, the lovable ones, the grouchy ones, the aloof ones, the bookish ones, the weak ones, the wounded ones (you get the picture), who bring us the...
6 Things Children Learn When You Skip Mass On Sundays
It doesn’t take long for us parents to realize that our children absorb everything we do and say. I remember the first time I heard my two year old let out a long sigh and say “Oh, my gosh. I can’t even.” Her tone and expression were exactly like mine. Sometimes you...
Priesthood Sunday: A day to promote vocations and honor those who have responded to the call
In the United States, on Sunday, October 28th, we celebrate Priesthood Sunday. Hopefully, your parish has something planned that will raise awareness of vocations to the priesthood. It is important for young people to begin to open their minds and hearts to the...
5 Signs You Attend A Healthy Parish
Business guru Patrick Lencioni is well-known for his expertise on organizational health. In fact, he is a New York Times best-selling author of books like The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team and Death by Meeting. But Lencioni is also a faithful Catholic, one who is now...
“The Mass Box” Is Making Church Easier For Parents Everywhere!
If you’ve read my post on taking children to Mass, you know that I’m constantly searching for tips, tricks, and strategies that will help keep my 5 kids engaged in the celebration of Mass. One of my #MomGoals is to help my kids learn to understand, appreciate and...
Is It A Sin To Be Bored At Mass?
This short video from Mark Hart, “Bored at Mass?”, will most likely speak to each and every one of us since it hits upon a very real struggle that many face – not only in the past, but also presently, and potentially in the future. But why? Why is it that we can...