What comes to mind when you think about raising a teenager in today's world? Technology overload? Social media addiction? The constant struggle against anxiety and being overwhelmed? It's easy to focus on the challenges, isn't it? But what if we shifted our...
parenting teens
How To Help Your Catholic Daughter Through Puberty: Cultivate The Soul Of Her Heart So She Will Bloom
As the snow and icy wind begin to die down and melt into the sunny warmth of spring, I can’t help but get excited about the gardening season! Not only do I love the sprouts of green interrupting the once white and brown landscape, but I also love the sacredness of...
Standing Strong As A Catholic Parent Of Teens
The beauty of the beast. “Sixteen is the terrible twos times eight plus a driver’s license.”—One mother in speaking for many. “Just enjoy them now; those teen years are coming.”—a forewarning from veteran parents to the beginners. Poll one hundred...
How To Talk To Your Teen About Pornography
Imagine this: You stand outside your teen’s bedroom door. You knock a few times and there’s no answer. A few moments pass by and you knock again. All is quiet. You make an executive decision to enter the room. As the door opens, you find your teenager sitting down...
Your Child Has Been Confirmed! Now What?
Congrats! Your child (or godchild, niece, or nephew) received the sacrament of Confirmation, sealing them with the same Holy Spirit who moved upon the watery void of Genesis and convicted the hearts of Jesus’ disciples at Pentecost almost 2,000 years ago! ...
Watch This Young Girl Bring An Audience To Tears With Her Perfomance
This viral video of a young girl's poetry performance in her school classroom makes for powerful and somewhat painful viewing. She is a 7th-grade student, only twelve or thirteen years old. In watching it, my heart went out to her, because I understood her struggles....